Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Please suggest what board should i use

Hi everyone
I am a newbie . I have done a few basic Arduino projects. I want to make a clip on type IMU sensor with a digital display of X,Y and Z angles, want it to be a compact independent unit. My requirements are:
1. A small arduino board powered by button cells or small lithium battery
2. A small OLED screen which can display 3 lines.
3. A small accurate IMU shield.

I want the unit to be light weight and not larger than 2inches.

PS: please also suggest if it is possible to pause the readings on the OLED display at a particular position of the IMU sensor by using a remote switch.
Arduino mini and nano are small boards so maybe you can use them. I don't know what kind of processing power you need but I assume 328 is good for your project.
thanks. I am tilting towards arduino pro mini. I intend to use 6050 IMU, with a monochrome LCD display. Powered by a button cell. Would it work?