Maker Pro
Maker Pro

(Please help) Portable solar powered powerbank

the reason I am posting this here is this not an assignment given to me, this is a project I chose to do as my degrees final year project.

Abstract: I am going to design and build a portable solar powered device which is able to charge a USB device and drive a 4w fan. It also includes lithium ion batteries to store energy in case the direct illumination is not present.
*Portable ( foldable pv panel)
*Efficient ( combination of MPPT and PMW)
*keep the fan running in full speed and charge USB devices at the same time.(Ideally)
* Prevent the battery from getting over-charged and over-discharged.
*Satisfy USB devices charging specifications.(assuming be able to charge a mobile phones 3500mah battery within 1 hours in full illumination)
*relatively low cost.

I would appreciate it if you guys help me to find out where should I start in calculating . what steps should I take. what information's do I need. Components have to carefully calculated so u have to keep assumption minimal. In the end of the day this is a device that I eventually need to build and it has to work.
P.S: attached a diagram of the system.


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You selected this project so you do its calculations and you select its parts.
That is what you are expected to do for your degrees final year project.
Your project might not be accepted if the professor learned that you asked about how to do it on an online forum.
I have already done 60% of the work and If u read what I asked properly I only asked for direction to make sure what I've done so far was in right path! To be honest I didn't expect to see such a hostile comment in a technical forum!
I was saying what we say to most students, "We will not do your homework for you".
These students missed many classes and do not have a clue about their project.
I think the students are shamed to ask their professor for some help.

You selected a powerbank but your very simple block diagram is missing many details such as voltages. Where is the voltage boost converter to boost the 3.2V to 4.2V Li-Ion battery cell to the 5.0V USB voltage?

Powerbanks do not have a fan. Why does yours need a fan?
You know how much power the phone charging uses so why have you not selected a photo-panel, battery, battery protection circuit and battery charger circuit?

Usually a solar panel is permanently mounted outside, how will yours be portable and protected from theft?
I have already done 60% of the work and If u read what I asked properly I only asked for direction to make sure what I've done so far was in right path! To be honest I didn't expect to see such a hostile comment in a technical forum!
You haven't done 60% of the work at all.
You haven't shown us anything (other than a useless flow diagram) - all you've done is describe what you WANT to do.
If you consider the 'pointing out the obvious' to be hostile then you are surely of the snowflake classification?
When (if) you get your degree do you think for one second the real world will afford you such luxuries as 'asking someone else to do it for you'?
Lastly, we abhor the idea that someone may get a recognised qualification off the backs of others - we all had to achieve our success as individuals - so should you.

All the griping apart, @Audioguru points out some basic and salient facts you've completely missed which, for someone so close to getting a degree, is a telling indictment of the education system today.