Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Please Help! Need to find out how to fix my portable charger!

I recently bought this Sanyo enloop mobile booster at a yard sale. It's missing a button and I'm trying to figure what kind of button it requires. Because the only way to actually charge it is by pressing the button. But all I see is a white little piece (not the button) and I try clicking it with something and no click or an response. It charges fine, when I connect it with a charger, batter does a normal charge and lights work, it's just the button that won't respond.
Please help:( :confused:


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hi jeremy,
welcome :)

sorry the pic is just too small and blurry to really make out anything meaningful
try a little larger and much clearer :)

Hi there jeremyrodas.
I really find it hard to view the images, i am not sure, but it might be a momentary tactile type switch, but as said already the images are to blurred and far off, do you have macro on your camera for close ups.

If you have posted a second lot of images there not showing.
Hi again.
i am still not seeing any other images, your phone should do the job, but the upload seems to have failed.
No images.
Hi again jeremyrodas.
Yes thats defiantly a momentary tactile switch with the button top missing, thats my humble judgement, it was or is a reset switch, as you said its charging, but it could be a charge activation switch, i am not sure which, can you press the very center with a none metallic implement tooth pic etc, if it wont push then the depress part of the switch is missing, then you need to take measurements of the footprint and solder a new one in place of the broken one.
Dave.D :)
There are members on the forum from all over the world, and i believe a fare few members in the USA so you should get components easy from where you are, i cant remember there names, the electronic stores that is, but there out there, other members from the US should be able to put you in the right direction on a store near you.