Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Please help me out finding this cable

Aight so I bought this speaker online called the music angel and it's great, but one problem. The cable has broken, and I need a new one but I cannot find one ANYWHERE, I've tried online and in stores and I can't find it.

Basically, it's a cable with a micro usb on one side, and on the other side is a dual-head with a normal usb cord and a standard mp3 that you can use for ipods and whatnot. Anyone?

Please help me out haha
Have you tried contacting the company? I had a look at the web site and it was unhelpful. No info on the cable you described at all.

Is there an alternative you could use like a usb - mini usb or do you need all the things your had on it at once?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It sounds like this is the "normal" cable for devices that need more power than a single USB port can provide.

I've never seen them for sale on their own though.
Have you tried contacting the company? I had a look at the web site and it was unhelpful. No info on the cable you described at all.

Is there an alternative you could use like a usb - mini usb or do you need all the things your had on it at once?

Theoretically I could get by with two cables.

Both need to have a micro usb on one end because that's what plugs into the speaker.

One would need a normal usb on the other end, for charging the portable speaker.

And the 2nd would need to have the mp3 on the other side.

But it's more convenient to have both on the cable like it was originally.
theoretically you could make this cable with about 4 components and no soldering. admittedly it wouldn't look pretty
finding it would involve talking to the manufacturer about it. good luck