Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Please help in C18 programming for interfacing 4x4 keypad and 16x2 LCD to PIC18F8722


hi there
welcome to the forums

Please dont multi post the same thread in different sections
as no one knows where to reply and keep all the info together

Steve or Res --- would ya like to delete THREE of his threads please :)

the fact you posted this in 4 topic sections is worrying, please limit your posts to one area and when someone has a reply they will give one.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Four posts in four different areas, and you still didn't manage to put one in the right place!

And you've managed to get the first three people who read your posts off-side.

Well done!!!

OK, on to your problems. Perhaps you can tell us what ideas you've had and what difficulties you've had implementing them? Or if you can't do that, perhaps tell us what you know, and what information you can't find.