Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Please help finding resistance !

Please can you tell me how to find these parameters: R1=? ; R2=? ; Re=?
if Vcc=18V; Rc=2k(ohm) ; IcQ=4.8 [mA] ; VceQ=6 [V].

the circuit is:

p.s. Please do it as fast as you can because I'va an exam in Suterday...
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What are the standard assumptions you make about the transistor such as Vbe, the current gain, is the current gain high enough to ignore the base current? Then start with the voltage across Rc, given the collector current. Vce is given, so the voltage across Re is simple to find. Knowing the emitter current and emitter voltage gives the value of Re and the base voltage as Ve+Vbe. Knowing the base voltage, calculate R1 & R2 necessary to provide that base voltage.