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Please help: Build for GPS tracker with SOS signalling

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Hey there EP. I come here with a fairly desperate need to create a very specific build. I honestly have (next to) no experience in programming, very little in electronics, and was really hoping you guys could help me.

Without giving too many details, my significant other is in nigh-on constant danger. A few years ago, she put away a group who systematically abused and tortured her and, since their release - they have been chasing her down. She's moved several times the last several years - but they always manage to find her - wherever in the country she moves to. We do not want a 4th repeat of what has happened, and it appears that they may have honed in on her location again.

In a small aid to combat this, I thought it might be a good idea to get her a GPS tracker, so that (if kidnapped again) she can be easily and quickly found. Looking online, I can find things similar to what I'm looking for - but nothing ideal. Everything is too bulky, too conspicuous, or invasive to her privacy.

I really require the following specifications:

Build as small as possible.
Has SOS button, which 1: turns on the GPS capabilities (which I and whoever else we trust can access with an app) and 2: calls an emergency number (me) when pressed. Ideally, if not picked up - it would ring through to a secondary contact.

I emphasise , I don't want to constantly be able to track my partner - for both our sakes. I just require that, once an SOS button is hit, she's traceable and that a call is made to say something's wrong.

Once the electronics are done, I'm more than capable of making an inconspicuous outer casing. But if you guys might be able to help, in any way, with tips on creating the minimalist build I'm after - I'd be eternally greatful.
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This sounds quite extreme to me..

Are you sure that you want to go the DIY route? I mean, sure, people here could make what you want. But I would not trust my own life or that of my significant other with something that was never thoroughly tested and certified.

Surely an off-the-shelf product would be better in this case?


Everything is too bulky, too conspicuous, or invasive to her privacy.

you with next to no electronics experience will NEVER build something better and smaller than what companies with millions of $$ of backing can do

there are excellent GPS vehicle trackers out there which use cellular phone connection to report their location
do some deeper searching, ask local security companies what they can offer
I call BS on this.

No one in this country should be suffering the kind of 'abuse' the OP claims. Show me evidence of the situation - if you have any then the authorities would be on top of the situation immediately and I have no doubt the media would be more than interested in it too.

Sounds more like a request to keep tabs on a partner - with or without their knowledge/agreement.
I call BS on this.

No one in this country should be suffering the kind of 'abuse' the OP claims. Show me evidence of the situation - if you have any then the authorities would be on top of the situation immediately and I have no doubt the media would be more than interested in it too.

Sounds more like a request to keep tabs on a partner - with or without their knowledge/agreement.

Ha, nonsense dude. If I wanted to do that there's any number of things I could buy on the market that would do just this. Devices with constant tracking and hidden microphones. I'd just sew a simple car tracker in the lining of her handbag if that was my scheme. I'm specifically requesting to make something that can only track once she activates it, and that I have no access to the vast majority of the time - with no want of a microphone. Also, I want it custom built so that her potential abusers cannot clock what the device is.

To be honest, when I first suggested this, she said she doesn't mind me knowing where she is at all times, which surprised me to be honest. It's more me not wanting to have the power to potentially abuse it - which all these devices (that already exist) would grant me. It could turn me into a paranoid mess, checking up on her every few minutes - unless it's designed otherwise. I trust the woman infinitly.

I'm not sure what country you are referring to, because I've not claimed where I'm from. You would be surprised how unhelpful the police have been here, and how systematic these gangs can be. You clearly have no understanding on the subject, and I don't wish to educate you (with the evidence you demand) lest I give away too much information and it ends up in the wrong hands - which should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense.
This sounds quite extreme to me..

Are you sure that you want to go the DIY route? I mean, sure, people here could make what you want. But I would not trust my own life or that of my significant other with something that was never thoroughly tested and certified.

Surely an off-the-shelf product would be better in this case?

I appreciate what you're saying Rixen. The thing is that store-bought equivalents have extra bells and whistles (screens, microphones, speakers, L.E.Ds, etc.) that make the whole thing bulkier than necessary. Otherwise, more importantly, I want there to be no chance that her abusers will clock what the device is.

I have little relevant expertise, past building laptops, building a couple theremins from scratch and 3D printing, but I've got faith that if I were pointed to the right components - I'd be able to stick it together. I'm a handy sort.

As a side-note, if you knew the details of the abuse she had suffered - you'd consider this idea far from extreme.
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you with next to no electronics experience will NEVER build something better and smaller than what companies with millions of $$ of backing can do

there are excellent GPS vehicle trackers out there which use cellular phone connection to report their location
do some deeper searching, ask local security companies what they can offer

I know what I'm saying sounds ambitious. I've done plenty of searching Davenn, and wouldn't be here otherwise . There is unfortunately nothing on the market that ticks all the boxes required. Simply tracking her location at all times is not good enough, it would need a way to send a signal. And anything with an SOS function is way too invasive and has needless additional features. And a reason I surmise I might be able to minimise the design, with some guidance, is because off the needless additional features so many of these pre-existing devices have added speakers, microphones, L.E.Ds, screens etc. I want something stripped back.

As far as security companies go, they offer off-the-shelf product, which (again) are too obvious and/or too invasive, or otherwise security packages that we cannot afford. We are a poor pair.
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And a reason I surmise I might be able to minimise the design, with some guidance, is because off the needless additional features so many of these pre-existing devices have added speakers, microphones, L.E.Ds, screens etc. I want something stripped back.

so take one of those devices and "strip it back" remove all the bits that you don't need ... mic, speaker etc, that may even allow you to put it into a smaller housing than what it originally came in :)

As I said earlier, for you with admitted next to zero electronics knowledge, you are not going to build a miniature device yourself

Hell, I with 45+ years experience couldn't build it in a miniature fashion

I'm not sure what country you are referring to, because I've not claimed where I'm from. You would be surprised how unhelpful the police have been here, and how systematic these gangs can be.

well, actually going by your stated location ... the UK ... you are in the same country as Kellys_eye

so take one of those devices and "strip it back" remove all the bits that you don't need ... mic, speaker etc, that may even allow you to put it into a smaller housing than what it originally came in :)

As I said earlier, for you with admitted next to zero electronics knowledge, you are not going to build a miniature device yourself

Hell, I with 45+ years experience couldn't build it in a miniature fashion

well, actually going by your stated location ... the UK ... you are in the same country as Kellys_eye


Fair enough Davenn, then that's what I'm going to have to do. Doesn't solve my problem of being left with the power to track my partner at all times mind, which is a major issue for me. I'll find a way, in any case.

And yes, I am in the UK. In that case, fortunately for them - Kellys_eye hasn't much experience with organised gangs, human trafficking, or the ineptitude and ideologically backed corruption of our Police force.
I don't know what a tracker could do to mitigate the situation anyway.

If a 'bad guy' wanted to do a number on your GF a tracker/alarm wouldn't stop them - in fact how long do you reckon it would take 'you' (or plod) to reach her to rescue her? Quicker than a good kicking? knifing? worse?

Wouldn't she be better/safer calling 999 (or 911 or whatever if you really aren't in the UK) - yeah I know UK Plod don't have the perfect record for getting to where they're needed WHEN they're needed but if what you say about her situation is true then they should be on top of the situation in a 'witness protection' kind of way.

<edit> you beat me to the post but yes, of course I don't have such experience but if what you say is true then get the media involved - they love a good story.

You're living in fantasy land if you imagine a James Bond solution is going to help.......
I don't know what a tracker could do to mitigate the situation anyway.

If a 'bad guy' wanted to do a number on your GF a tracker/alarm wouldn't stop them - in fact how long do you reckon it would take 'you' (or plod) to reach her to rescue her? Quicker than a good kicking? knifing? worse?

Wouldn't she be better/safer calling 999 (or 911 or whatever if you really aren't in the UK) - yeah I know UK Plod don't have the perfect record for getting to where they're needed WHEN they're needed but if what you say about her situation is true then they should be on top of the situation in a 'witness protection' kind of way.

<edit> you beat me to the post but yes, of course I don't have such experience but if what you say is true then get the media involved - they love a good story.

You're living in fantasy land if you imagine a James Bond solution is going to help.......

No, you're right Kellys_eye, I suppose I'm a delusional fool for wanting to be in the loop when and if my partner is likely abducted again. Suppose I'll just wait about until she turns up a week or two later, covered in scars, broken fingers and with further permanent damage to her reproductive organs. A "good kicking" is the least of her concerns.

I'd hate to rely on the fuzz, having proven themselves "unable" to help in the past, and a response time of well over an hour at the best of times. I'd certainly be at the scene before them. In any case, it's not as if I wouldn't be contacting the Police, but wouldn't you care to know as soon as possible if you were in my situation? And doesn't it make sense that I'm in the know, in order to help in her recovery? Someone on the outside of the situation, to make it explicitly clear as to what's going on, with knowledge of the nature of what's going on and GPS coordinates to share with them? Coz she's gonna be a little indisposed to be able to explain anything to the Police. It's not as if I don't have the resources or allies to inact some "James Bond solution", but that's not really my plan.

As a side-note, as if witness protection hasn't been a fruitless venture. They refuse to do anything until an attack happens. And yeah - my Mrs. would just love to deal with the media over all this. I'm sure that would quell the righteous vengeance these gang members have for her.


Doesn't solve my problem of being left with the power to track my partner at all times mind, which is a major issue for me. I'll find a way, in any case.

why doesn't it solve it ??
I don't see why not

If a 'bad guy' wanted to do a number on your GF a tracker/alarm wouldn't stop them - in fact how long do you reckon it would take 'you' (or plod) to reach her to rescue her? Quicker than a good kicking? knifing? worse?

I have to agree with this statement

it's not going to stop an attack on her
Unfortunately and very sadly ... the GPS tracker would just lead you to the body :( :(
You need something to stop it from getting to that point and I really don't know what to suggest ???
I don't really think there is a good electronic way to stop an attack :(
Whatever the difficulties of the situation I don't think GPS location is going to achieve anything other than additional frustration at not being able to implement it properly.

@davenn is in agreement her and, like him, I have 40+ years experience and wouldn't be looking to a DIY soluion to this.
why doesn't it solve it ??
I don't see why not

I have to agree with this statement

it's not going to stop an attack on her
Unfortunately and very sadly ... the GPS tracker would just lead you to the body :( :(
You need something to stop it from getting to that point and I really don't know what to suggest ???
I don't really think there is a good electronic way to stop an attack :(

Cheers for the advice Davenn. Might be being daft, but cannot see how to do it myself - is there any chance you could delete this thread in it's entirety? Thank you kindly.
I see three possibilities here, none of which correspond to the story the OP is telling.

1. A simple troll.
2. A criminal of some type misleading us to get help for a tracker to be used for some nefarious pupose.
3. A delusional individual.

In all cases, we should stop interacting with him.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Closed by request (it was a toss up as to whether if so that it move it to the twilight zone)
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