Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Please help- basic LED lamp circuit project- newbie! :P

Hey guys, newbie to the forum,
For my A level Product Design project I am designing a portable music stand with a built in lamp,
I need some help getting some good LEDs and the right circuitry into the little lamp in the space i have, and fairly quickly cos i am running out of time to make it, this is the last part i haven't yet made.

The size i have got to play with is the shape of that little symbol in your car that represents the front windscreen if you know what i mean, it's about 110mmx80mm and can be as deep as i need to accommodate the components, up to about 25mm.

I want to incorporate two rows of LEDs good enough to light the whole page of music, about 8 LEDS in both rows. I would also like a dimmer/variable resistor and an on off switch unless that comes in the dimmer. then i have space for a battery but not quite enough space for a 9v PP3 type. Then i have to worry about wiring it together or weather to use a breadboard type thing, so i thought i should ask you guys :)

if anyone can help me that will be brilliant, i am in midlands UK
If you can direct me to where to get the parts from, i would rather not go to maplins cos they have robbed a few of my mates recently :p

So to recap my circuit needs 2 rows of 6-10 LEDS (high power for lighting rather than signal type), a battery (ideally a replaceable one rather than an obscure super lithium deely that you can't buy from tesco), an on off switch and ideally a variable resistor, if not just a normal one.
I like the idea of being able to control the brightness cos with this project different environments need different lighting.

What is the deal here with people looking for someone to do their homework for them?

Would you we willing to give a link to this thread to your instructor so he or she can decide how much of the grade he or she should give you and how much should be given to the forum?


P.S. In case it is not obvious, I am a former instructor.
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What is the deal here with people looking for someone to do their homework for them?

Would you we willing to give a link to this thread to your instructor so he or she can decide how much of the grade he or she should give you and how much should be given to the forum?


P.S. In case it is not obvious, I am a former instructor.

Wow, sorry I asked.

I mean it's not like I'm doing an electronics project, the lamp circuitry is a small part of the whole D+T project, and the actual circuitry only adds to my marks for the final making which is about 33% of the whole folder. I asked the tutor in electronics dept but he was a bit technical and although I understand it I am running out of time and wondered if anyone would be good enough to hand it to me, seeing as though surely you guys on here know what you're on about, whereas I do not.

I suppose I just assumed that someone in a position such as yours, being an ex-instructor, would barely have to bat an eyelid to give me this most basic information.

Thanks for the help.
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I asked the tutor in electronics dept but he was a bit technical and although I understand it I am running out of time and wondered if anyone would be good enough to hand it to me.
I hope you will eventually grow up enough to realize the difference between actually learning things and having some "hand it" to you.

I hope you will eventually grow up enough to realize the difference between actually learning things and having some "hand it" to you.


You know what, I think you're the one that needs to grow up.
what is your problem?
Where is the need to pick on newbies to electronics like me? I wasnt being unreasonable or demanding anything extraordinary, you are a senior member of this site so surely you know about many things that i havent even heard of, including what little components i need for my basic circuit. I was only asking for a bit of advice, not for you to complete my whole project for me, which i have already said is not an electronics project, it is design/tech 3D design and the fact that i am incorporating a circuit into it is my choice, not the demands of the course that i can't meet because i'm a typical lazy know-nothing attitude teenager.

The best way to learn is to draw on the experience of others, people like myself trying to widen my understanding by asking as many people for help and advice as i can don't need people like you to mock them when they are trying their best in their work and need a helping hand.

If i hadn't mentioned the fact that i was a student you wouldnt have even bothered to share your wisdom, you wouldn't dare pick on someone who might be more intelligent than you, but surely because i am a student you are a far superior person.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
In fairness to 55p, you did say that this was part of your A level product design project, and you did seem to ask for a solution rather than for assistance in any particular aspect of that design.

My suggestion is that if time is short, you go for LEDs that are either on or off. Dimming LEDs is surprisingly difficult to do *properly* in an efficient manner.

55p was probably also rather confused as to exactly what you were after (as I am). While your description of "shape of that little symbol in your car that represents the front windscreen if you know what i mean" may hold meaning for you, it certainly doesn't for me.

Perhaps pictures might help. They may also indicate that this is a trivial part of the design. Perhaps you're design project involves detailed joinery skills, perhaps this is obviously a minor detail.

My suggestion is to have a cutout to fit the opening. Fit a switch in this, and drill holes for the LEDs. Poke them through the holes, solder them together with resistors as appropriate and use the switch to connect them to a battery that is somehow insulated from the wiring.
In fairness to 55p, you did say that this was part of your A level product design project, and you did seem to ask for a solution rather than for assistance in any particular aspect of that design.

My suggestion is that if time is short, you go for LEDs that are either on or off. Dimming LEDs is surprisingly difficult to do *properly* in an efficient manner.

55p was probably also rather confused as to exactly what you were after (as I am). While your description of "shape of that little symbol in your car that represents the front windscreen if you know what i mean" may hold meaning for you, it certainly doesn't for me.

Perhaps pictures might help. They may also indicate that this is a trivial part of the design. Perhaps you're design project involves detailed joinery skills, perhaps this is obviously a minor detail.

My suggestion is to have a cutout to fit the opening. Fit a switch in this, and drill holes for the LEDs. Poke them through the holes, solder them together with resistors as appropriate and use the switch to connect them to a battery that is somehow insulated from the wiring.

thanks so much, all I wanted was a civilised reply, I had completely forgotten what nonsense my explanation wa, it had been a long week with preparations for university auditions so had little sleep.
Yeah it is a small part of the project so I will keep it basic.