Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Please help - 36" RCA ProScan problems (with video!)


John Stone

I purchased a 36" RCA Proscan TV when I first moved out 4 years ago.
Fast forward to this evening, my wife and I turn the TV on and are
greeted by a few seconds of strange, bright horizontal lines followed
by an abrupt and violent turning off, again for a second or two, then
on again and off again.

It looks completely fritzed!

I took a little video clip of the behavior if it helps anyone diagnose
what could be happening:

Needless to say, I don't have the $1500 I blew on it 4 years ago since
we just closed on a house a few months back. And I won't have
anywhere near that amount starting in 7 months, due to a rapidly
approaching new family member. Gulp!

I'm kicking myself for not re-purchasing an extended warranty. I
bought a 3 year warranty originally and when the renewal came in the
mail everyone told me not to bother, hardly anything ever goes wrong
with TVs - did I just make a $1500 mistake? Could such a thing be
repaired? Wife and I are very grateful for any help!

Buffalo, NY



Post the Model Number and Chassis number. Ought to be on the Rear
Cabinet somewhere.

| I purchased a 36" RCA Proscan TV when I first moved out 4 years ago.
| Fast forward to this evening, my wife and I turn the TV on and are
| greeted by a few seconds of strange, bright horizontal lines followed
| by an abrupt and violent turning off, again for a second or two, then
| on again and off again.
| It looks completely fritzed!
| I took a little video clip of the behavior if it helps anyone diagnose
| what could be happening:
| Needless to say, I don't have the $1500 I blew on it 4 years ago since
| we just closed on a house a few months back. And I won't have
| anywhere near that amount starting in 7 months, due to a rapidly
| approaching new family member. Gulp!
| I'm kicking myself for not re-purchasing an extended warranty. I
| bought a 3 year warranty originally and when the renewal came in the
| mail everyone told me not to bother, hardly anything ever goes wrong
| with TVs - did I just make a $1500 mistake? Could such a thing be
| repaired? Wife and I are very grateful for any help!
| John
| Buffalo, NY

John Stone

For completeness' sake, here's everything I found on the rear cabinet:

Model Number: PS36700
Chassis Number: CTC197CJ5
Service Number: PS36700YX1
Serial Number: 933631560
Barcode: 38020933631560
Volts: 120
Hz: 60
Watts: 197
Assembled in: Juarez Chih, Mexico

I called a service shop today, they said they could make a housecall
for $30. I told them to hold off for a couple days as I'd like to
know what sort of damage I could be in for. The inside of a TV could
be a black hole for all I know. Again, many thanks for anyone's help.

Buffalo, NY


Could be a Bad fglyback or possibly some shorted Components. Thats about all
I could find out.

| For completeness' sake, here's everything I found on the rear cabinet:
| Model Number: PS36700
| Chassis Number: CTC197CJ5
| Service Number: PS36700YX1
| Serial Number: 933631560
| Barcode: 38020933631560
| Volts: 120
| Hz: 60
| Watts: 197
| Assembled in: Juarez Chih, Mexico
| I called a service shop today, they said they could make a housecall
| for $30. I told them to hold off for a couple days as I'd like to
| know what sort of damage I could be in for. The inside of a TV could
| be a black hole for all I know. Again, many thanks for anyone's help.
| John
| Buffalo, NY
| > John:
| >
| > Post the Model Number and Chassis number. Ought to be on the
| > Cabinet somewhere.
| >
| >
| >
| > | > | I purchased a 36" RCA Proscan TV when I first moved out 4 years ago.
| > | Fast forward to this evening, my wife and I turn the TV on and are
| > | greeted by a few seconds of strange, bright horizontal lines followed
| > | by an abrupt and violent turning off, again for a second or two, then
| > | on again and off again.
| > |
| > | It looks completely fritzed!
| > |
| > | I took a little video clip of the behavior if it helps anyone diagnose
| > | what could be happening:
| > |
| > | Needless to say, I don't have the $1500 I blew on it 4 years ago since
| > | we just closed on a house a few months back. And I won't have
| > | anywhere near that amount starting in 7 months, due to a rapidly
| > | approaching new family member. Gulp!
| > |
| > | I'm kicking myself for not re-purchasing an extended warranty. I
| > | bought a 3 year warranty originally and when the renewal came in the
| > | mail everyone told me not to bother, hardly anything ever goes wrong
| > | with TVs - did I just make a $1500 mistake? Could such a thing be
| > | repaired? Wife and I are very grateful for any help!
| > |
| > | John
| > | Buffalo, NY

Jerry G.

This is not something you can fix yourself at home. Why don't you call the
RCA authorized service rep to come over to your place and do an estimate on
it? It may not be a very expensive repair, depending on what failed. Also,
if you call the RCA rep, you can ask if they would sell you an extended
warranty deal, if you fix the set at the same time. They used to do that.

I would not even dare to guess at the fault, unless the set was checked


Jerry G.

I purchased a 36" RCA Proscan TV when I first moved out 4 years ago.
Fast forward to this evening, my wife and I turn the TV on and are
greeted by a few seconds of strange, bright horizontal lines followed
by an abrupt and violent turning off, again for a second or two, then
on again and off again.

It looks completely fritzed!

I took a little video clip of the behavior if it helps anyone diagnose
what could be happening:

Needless to say, I don't have the $1500 I blew on it 4 years ago since
we just closed on a house a few months back. And I won't have
anywhere near that amount starting in 7 months, due to a rapidly
approaching new family member. Gulp!

I'm kicking myself for not re-purchasing an extended warranty. I
bought a 3 year warranty originally and when the renewal came in the
mail everyone told me not to bother, hardly anything ever goes wrong
with TVs - did I just make a $1500 mistake? Could such a thing be
repaired? Wife and I are very grateful for any help!

Buffalo, NY


Most repairs on that model run under $250, barring any major component
failures (picture tube, flyback).

The only way to determine the problem is to have someone with the Thomson
specific service manuals, Chipper Check, and other Thomson training have a
look at the set and make the appropriate troubleshooting measurements and
then provide you with an estimate.

Definitely worth fixing if it falls under the most repairs category. Beyond
that amount, you might want to think twice before repairing the tv set.


John Stone

I'm having the TV picked up in an hour by an RCA authorized repair
service center. I'll follow up with the results!


John Stone

Just got the news - it's a $200 repair. Guy told me I needed a "video
kit" - I asked for more info and he told me it consisted of "chip
capacitors and resisters" ... I have a feeling I'm paying for $5 in
parts and $195 in labor, but what choice do I have? Should be fixed
and back by tomorrow.

Thanks to all that helped!

Jason D.

Just got the news - it's a $200 repair. Guy told me I needed a "video
kit" - I asked for more info and he told me it consisted of "chip
capacitors and resisters" ... I have a feeling I'm paying for $5 in
parts and $195 in labor, but what choice do I have? Should be fixed
and back by tomorrow.

Thanks to all that helped!


This is not simple as it seems. This chassis (CTC197xxx, but same
board used in older RCA projector under CTC195) are known to be bit
tough to fix especially if this trouble is very intermittent and
requires special tools to find it and experience to go with this.
Once found a part or few are replaced.

This shop you tried isn't famillar with this type of RCA. I already
said you do need to find a shop that is warranty service authorized by
Thomson (RCA) which means that shop have special tools and experience
to deal with problems that is unique to RCA stuff.

Nix the estimate and take tv with you. Find right shop as I described.

Give away that shop doesn't jibe with what I see in that comment that
shop needed a video kit which is totally unrelated to this problem.
This problem is more like the control area (micro and data settings).



John Stone


Thank you for your suggestion but at this point the repair is
(hopefully) complete as he said all parts were in stock. As I
mentioned in a previous post, this actually was an RCA authorized
repair center, so they should have all necessary tools at their
disposal. I'll know for sure whether or not they know what they're
doing in about 4 hours when the TV is returned. I will post an update
for anyone that's interested at that time. Here's to hoping!


John Stone

Last (probably) update - the repair is completed, all looks well.
Total cost was $200, and they guarantee their work for 30 days. The
only thing I'll have to look into is one of my S-Video jacks seems
pushed further into the cabinet than the other; doesn't seem to be
affecting anything but I'll need to make sure future moves don't cause
it to stop working.

Thanks again very much for everybody's assistance. To tell you the
truth, a week without TV wasn't all that shabby. Amazing what you can
get done around the house without that distraction. :)