Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Please confirm this capacitor value....

Yes, I'm a dummy. I ordered and just received a couple of capacitors and despite my search/reading of related internet web sites, I'm still not sure. Here's a link; the drop-down "capacitance window" will reveal several options:

The information printed on my capacitors:

472K (double-checked; this is the printed value)
500 VDC

What is the capacitance value of this capacitor?

I know... it's so basic, but I'm just / still unsure. Thanks.

OK.... It's supposed to be: .0047uF (0.0047uF)
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Thanks. I was just coming on to report that, in spite of my not being able to figure this out "mathematically," I cheated and measured the capacitance with my multimeter: 4.81 nF. Then I had to find a conversion table online; this was a good one:

So, at least I know that I received the proper capacitors. This "capacitor math" is somewhat strange. I mean, I did well in college chemistry, doing all those thermodynamic problems and all, but this seems much different -- there are conventions that are supposed to be understood and followed; reminds me of the rules of playing bridge (card game). Anyway, I'll study this a little further. It looks like I just have to get the u, n, p in order.... Thanks for the formula, Nanren888.

PS - Thanks, Bertus