Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pioneer SX-1080 Tuning meter stuck - but may not be mechanical but circuit related

Have a pioneer SX-1080 receiver that I'm trying to complete. The Signal tuning meter randomly "sticks" on power up - no movement at all. The signal tuning meter is responsive to an ohmeter connection (both directions) when in this condition. Posted this issue a while back on another forum and the consensus was a bad connection inside the meter. Pulled apart deoxit'd it, etc,, problem still randomly occurred. Always had good voltages at both pins on the meter (between 4.3v-6+, depending on how accurately it was being tuned of course. Right around 5.8 or 5.9 is pretty much dead center tuned in perfect. Someone suggested it was making poor contact along the frame of the meter and to direct wire around the frame, but again, I see voltage through it fine so I didn't undertake that surgery step.

With the assumption my signal tuning meter was bad, I bought another one (not cheap) and of course the same issue occurs. Randomly, infrequent, and only on start of the machine. Ohmeter showed deflection, voltage present on both side but no movement. I took a shot in the dark once when it was stuck, and connected my multimeter in current mode (serially) and found when it was working fine, the meter saw about 75ua across it. When I caught it in this mode (once) with the meter connected - there was little to no current present (yet confirmed with a second multimeter voltage WAS present.

How can this be?? How can the circuit send voltage to it but no current? The schematic for that portion of the circuit is attached but it is very difficult to read. Any suggestions what to look at?


  • Pioneer sx-1080 Tuning Meter circuit.jpg
    Pioneer sx-1080 Tuning Meter circuit.jpg
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