Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pioneer Radio MP3 Songs Per Directory

Please bear with me, I'm a newbie and this is my first post. I searched but could not find a Pioneer support forum. I've got a Pioneer MVH-S312BT auto radio that plays MP3 files from my thumbdrive. I've ripped my CDs and collected almost 2000 of my favorite oldies to play in my radios on long trips. I suspect this radio started over around file number 500. Does that sound correct? If I was to use multiple directories could I get it to play through them all?

I've got a Dual XDVD156BT in another vehicle and much searching I found it can handle 2000 songs in a directory. It sure is nice not to need to switch CDs anymore while driving and it never fades out so I don't need to hunt for a new station. I can listen to all my favorite oldies without any monthly fees.
Thanks in advance for any insights anyone might have,
Thanks for the links and yes I'd previously downloaded what was available and I scanned through them as much as I could. I was disappointed nothing was mentioned in the Product Brochure but I'll look again. I've been concentrating on sections that cover USB operation figuring the information I'm looking for would be there. The last time I looked at the display, It was playing file (song) numbers in the high 4xx's when all of a sudden, I was listening to songs from the beginning tracks again. I'd think the limits on this radio would be similar to products from Pioneer probably based on the capability of the chips they use. If the manuals were more complete, I wouldn't be searching the internet for the information I'd like to have.
The instructions mention "folders" but never anything about a limit on the number of files.
Have a look on the thumb drive and see how the files are named. I know that when ripping files the filenames can get numbered while others get named. Eg, 01-Tina-Turner-xx-.mp3 or cd/001-4.mp3.
You may have to manually edit the file names to the format the player can read.
Also check the extensions of the files as some radios only play .mp3 while others play .flac, .wav, .ogg, .aac etc.

I just scanned through the user manual.
It can play different formats.
It also has limits too. According to the manual, up to 500 folders. You might have to remove the music files from the folders and get rid of the ‘now’ empty folders.
Which would include folders within a folder.
It appears that having just the music files, the limit is 1500.
Now, if you re-jiggle the hierarchy of the file system, you may find you can get 1499 music files in each of the ‘upto’ 500 folders.
This would have to be experimented with though.

I had reached out to Pioneer several days ago and heard back from them today. There answer pretty much said I'd find the information I was asking about in the image I've attached. I doubled the size to make it readable.
It looks to me like the limit is 15,000 files in any one of 1500 directories which would be far and away greater than anything I'd ever approach. I'm still in the dark about how I restarted my radio playing the first songs in the root directory of thumb drive.


  • Number of Files and Folders.jpg
    Number of Files and Folders.jpg
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That is the same info I posted above. It is upto 500 folders!!
Written as 1-500 folders, not 1500.
My screen print of manual should be below..


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What does the "Playable Files 15 000" number translate to? I replied to the message sent from Pioneer asking for clarification. I'll reply when it comes in.
My question was about Playable Files in the Root directory of the drive. The number of playable files may be the same for all directories and sub-directories though.
Thank you for your responses.
That's an amazing number I can't imagine anyone ever exceeding. I'm doing my best with almost 2000 files to make sure they're no duplicates while looking for more of my favorites. It's taken months of on and off gathering to amass them all. Stacks of CDs are all over. It's hard to imagine all that material with plenty of room left on one tiny micro SD care or thumb drive but it sure is nice to listen to them without constantly swapping CDs and it sure beats searching for a station to my liking or paying for satellite radio.
Thanks again Marrin!
For straightening me out on what Pioneer could have made a lot clearer for dummies like me in their literature. I call it plain English. I'm still waiting for a response to request for clarification. I always told the programmers to let the secretaries write the manual for their software so people could understand it.