Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pioneer Plasma Tv receiver PDP-R05G blocked

Good day,

I have a Pioneer Plasma TV, the model is PDP-505HDG, an the receiver is PDP-R05g, I was cleaning the inside cards, then I powered it up without the cover. After that, the unit was blocked, it entered in a copyright protection mode, as far as I understand.
Could you help me with the procedure to unblock the unit please?

According to Jango2 I have to:

1 - Press the display button once (do not hold, just press and then
release. If not present on your model of remote, then press the button
directly underneath "9" and release)

2 - Wait about 3 seconds after step one and then press (in order):
left - up - left - right - power

But it doesn't work for me.

I really appreciate your help,


Alexander Malaver