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Pioneer PD-M610 6cd player service manual


F Murtz

Pioneer PD-M600 changer. Presents disc but does not spin up then the
same thing happens with each disc.
Anyone any clues or where to get service manual, preferably free.

Samuel M. Goldwasser

F Murtz said:
Pioneer PD-M600 changer. Presents disc but does not spin up then the
same thing happens with each disc.
Anyone any clues or where to get service manual, preferably free.

Bad flex cable, dropped lens, dirty spindle motor, decayed rubber grommets,

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F Murtz

Samuel said:
Bad flex cable, dropped lens, dirty spindle motor, decayed rubber grommets,
Motor does not attempt to start spinning,Have not checked for voltage at
spindle motor yet, just had quick look so far.
Would feel happier with schematic but the only ones I can find want
money and I am a bit wary of paying for a pig in a poke.

Samuel M. Goldwasser

Arfa Daily said:
All that Sam said seconded. Have you checked that the lens is still in
place ? Very common for it to come out and be rolling round in the
bottom of the player somewhere ...

And despite the incredible precision involved in the optical pickup,
gently pushing the lens back in place and securing it with a couple
drops of 5 minute Epoxy often works! DON'T use Superglue! :( :)

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ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.

F Murtz

Samuel said:
And despite the incredible precision involved in the optical pickup,
gently pushing the lens back in place and securing it with a couple
drops of 5 minute Epoxy often works! DON'T use Superglue! :( :)

It seems the lense is missing,Aparently the owner (friend of a friend)
moved house and then it stopped working,probably shook it loose.I think
it has fallen through the bottom of the case.
Would you still be able to get spares?

Samuel M. Goldwasser

F Murtz said:
It seems the lense is missing,Aparently the owner (friend of a friend)
moved house and then it stopped working,probably shook it loose.I
think it has fallen through the bottom of the case.
Would you still be able to get spares?

You sure? It's not that small.

You can't buy just the lens, but there are parts units available
probably from someone here or on eBay.

sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
| Mirror Sites:

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ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.

Lady Veteran

F said:
Pioneer PD-M600 changer. Presents disc but does not spin up then the
same thing happens with each disc.
Anyone any clues or where to get service manual, preferably free.

If it was free, then it probably wouldn't be any good. Do you think that
people enjoyed having to see Sitre Magana pound his pud at the Post
Office, in spite the fact that Sitre Magana didn't charge anybody for
the exhibit.


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