Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pinout info, iPaq HX2495 battery



Here is what I *think* I know about this Li-ion
battery. Please chime in with additions and / or

Starting from the corner, pins 1 and 2 are common and
will connect to 'battery +' when the battery is turned

Pin 3 is a pilot level that can be used to turn the
battery on if you pull it low and keep it low.
The battery will turn off when you allow this pin
to float up, provided there is adequate load current
between 'battery +' and common ground (say 100 mA).

Pin 4 is unknown but seems a likely candidate for the
thermistor temperature monitor

Pin 5 and 6 are common ground.

Pin 7 is also unknown but see 'pin 4'.

The battery will also turn on if you bias pins
1 and 2 above 3.3 V.

Corrections? Additions?

