Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PID Control Primer, $17. Companion Software $11



For a booklet on PID control without the math refer to web page It describes the Second Edition of
Controller Tuning and Control Loop Performance, a Primer, by David W. St.
Clair, which has sold 29,740 copies to date. The cash discounted price is $17
if sent to the US.That page links to one about companion software ($11).

If you have trouble reaching that site or would rather not bother, you may
e-mail me for the information.

[email protected].
Straight-Line Control Co., Inc.

Anthony Fremont

I've seen this add from time to time. Being a self edumacated hobbyist,
I would be interested in this if it's of any practical value. Does
anyone here (besides Dwstclair of course) have some kind of opinion on
this material? Thanks for reading this.

John Jardine

Anthony Fremont said:
I've seen this add from time to time. Being a self edumacated hobbyist,
I would be interested in this if it's of any practical value. Does
anyone here (besides Dwstclair of course) have some kind of opinion on
this material? Thanks for reading this.

The material, like it's machine generated spam and absent begettor, can be
of no value.

John Popelish

Anthony said:
I've seen this add from time to time. Being a self edumacated hobbyist,
I would be interested in this if it's of any practical value. Does
anyone here (besides Dwstclair of course) have some kind of opinion on
this material? Thanks for reading this.

I bought a copy a few years ago, and corresponded with the author on a
couple points about implementation of PID algorithms in digital
computers. I think I made a small contribution on the one about
cascade loops. It is pretty pricey compared to books you can pick up
second hand, now, on the internet, but it is useful, practical advice
on tuning industrial controllers. There are also lots of free
tutorials on the subject on the net.

If you would like to read an introduction to the subject that uses
very little math, I wrote a tuning tutorial that is stored at:

This all relates to amplifier feedback stability and frequency
response, except the frequencies involved in amplifiers are orders of
magnitude higher. But the concepts apply.

The purpose of the book is to teach you how to tune the response (the
Proportional, Integral and Derivative values) of industrial process
controllers like these, for example:

As well as distributed control systems that provide PID control loops.