Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PicoScope: Any users?

I use a PC oscilloscope from Pico Technology, an old model called ADC-200 which is no longer supported but meets my hobbyist needs well. It connects to a USB socket on my XP PC via a special adapter, the 'Pico USB Parallel Port'. Suddenly, it's stopped working. The Picoscope software tells me 'The ADC-200 is not connected. Looks like the adapter is broken. (One clue: its LED is not on. Another: it's not recognised in Device Manager.) Probably somehow due to a PC crash in my shed/workshop when I triggered the house circuit breakers while fiddling with a Veroboard.

Pico don't sell it any more (apparently one chip it needs is no longer being manufactured). After an entire day of research I have been unable to source a replacement.

Q1: Does anyone have one of these or know of any possible source please? Happy to pay generously as I'm seriously handicapped without my 'scope.

Q2: Another option is to say goodbye to my ADC-200 and upgrade to a PicoScope 2204 or 2205. Does anyone have one? I had a brief demo a couple of years ago but disliked it because it has internal relays that were frequently clicking on/off. I haven't seem any mention of this online so I'm keen to get others' views.

Q3: I changed the shed PC a few years ago. At the time I wasn't doing any electronics, but I've just realised that there is a parallel 25 pin port on it. To me that seems to mean I should be able to dispense with the adapter. But when I try to do so, I get that same 'not connected' message. Can anyone help on that aspect please?

Terry, East Grinstead, UK
Q3: Look here at the user manual.
you need to set up the scope as per 1.1 in the doc for it to work with the 25pin parallel port.

* Is the wall wart functional?

* It is possible that the Pico software got corrupted,you may try re-installing it.

* Have you opened the Pico for damage inspection,
maybe it can be fixed?
Thanks for the fast reply, dorke. That sounds promising! Posting away from home so as soon as I get back I'll try it. I wouldn't have explored that because the 'not connected' message was accompanied by Continue and Exit and I always clicked the latter. But what you say makes complete sense, as presumably PSW has retained the setting for using the USB adapter.

I may have to return to the BIOS first, as I've been playing in there too in my frustration!

Are you a PicoScope user?

Terry, East Grinstead, UK
No joy. After setting up as per manual, still get same message.

Tried 12 different BIOS configurations of parallel port. Even tried assuming XP was mistaken about it being LPT1 and set LPT2 in Picoscope sw. So after 12 reboots, still stumped.

Pico will take a look at it, but not optimistic.
I'm not a Pico user.
Does the Pico get voltage from the wall-wart PS?(no led on)

The ADC-200 does (and its LED is on) but the adapter is presumably powered from the PC USB port. That LED is not on. (I assume the two ports I've tried are OK; I used themt earlier to copy files to a flash memory stick.)

I tried connecting the ADC-200 and its adapter to this PC (another XP) via USB but not recognised in Device Mgr. No parallel port on this one.

Re your earlier question, I see no way to get at the innards of the ADC-200, but I assume Pico can.

I've re-installed the software several times.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK
Thanks Bluejets, that's a thread I'd already seen during my previous research, but unfortunately didn't help me.

Current status: sent back both the adapter and the ADC-200 to Pico. Beginning to look as if both were somehow internally damaged by the crash I mentioned, although the ADC's LED still works OK.
ok.... the next suggestion was going to be perhaps a standard Ebay Usb to Parallel converter but it looks like you have some direction now.
I have a later model Pico that is Usb...yet to use it though.
ok.... the next suggestion was going to be perhaps a standard Ebay Usb to Parallel converter but it looks like you have some direction now.
I have a later model Pico that is Usb...yet to use it though.

The normal USB to Parallel connectors (i.e. cables, not converters) don't work for Pico ADC products. Hence their proprietary (now deceased) adapter.

Which model do you have? 2000 series? I'm interested in hearing from other users re my Q2.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK