Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PICkit 3 for Programming PIC16F627A

You only need the pickit. Your board has to implement the connections to the 6-pin programming header.

Or pickit 2, which has a nice add on signal analyzer UART tester etc.
Pickit V2.61.
The Lab11 is not necessarily needed, there is also boards you can make simply on the Nigel Goodwin Tutorial site for this IC 628a.
The pickit 2 only supports older obsolete parts. Use a pickit 3. Or, if budget is not a problem, ICD 3 is far better, but costly.

Pics can be programmed in circuit. All of the boards I have made have the six pin header that enables this.

You can also program then on a solderless breadboard if that is what you are using.
