Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC16F648A simple function test, HELP!

Hi guys!
It's my first time working with PIC's and programming, and i can't get it to work!!!

I have a:

and microC IDE for PIC.

And I have two questions!!
First, is this the corect way to hook it up???

I have the PICKIT 2's 1st leg connected to the PICs leg no. 6(INT) (I also have a small signal diode, a resistor and a capacitor on this leg (diode to resistor to +) (diode to capacitor to 0))

I have the PICKIT2s 2nd leg to PIC leg 14(Vdd)

I have the PICKIT2s 3rd leg to PIC leg 5(Vss)

I have the PICKIT2s 4th leg to PIC leg 12(PGC)

I have the PICKIT2s 5th leg to PIC leg 13(PGD)

Is this the right way to do it??? It seams right, there are no fault messages, when it is hooked to the PC!

I have the PICKIT2s

I have been trying to make the most simpe program to se if it works. "Turn a LED on", but the led is not ON, haha...
Can anyone give me a program, which I can copy/paste into microC and send to a PICKIT2, which you are 100% sure works in microC and PICKIT2 (it shouldnt take long for a pro ;-) ????????????????? And maybe a quick description of what you are dooing!!!!!!

Pin 1 of the PICKIT should be going to pin 4 (MCLR).

Also place a 100nF ceramic capacitor between Vdd and Vss near to the Vdd pin.

Hi Bob
Thanks for the answer! I dont know why I wrote that I put the PICKIT leg 1 to PIC leg 6 (it was on leg 4(MCLR)!
I will try the 100nF cap. one of theese days, and see what happens!