Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC10F200 and I2C communications?

I am wanting to interface an MCP4706 DAC to a PIC10F200
MCP4706 DAC datasheet


Will i need to add external open collector BJTs to the PIC10F200 to act as outputs, and use a separate input pin on the pIC10F200?
...Or is it simply not going to be possible to interface the PIC10F200 to the MCP4706, since PIC10F200 does not have an I2C module?

I wish to use "bit-bashing" to communicate (immitate the I2C protocol) with the MCP4706 because there is no I2C module on the PIC10F200.
1. Why not choose a PIC with an I2C module?
2. You can do it with software, as long as speed is not a problem.

Hello pic10F200 with the low memory you can not do what you want
I with the same micro spi command in a 74HC595 and I'm already at the limit of memory
How about changing the DAC to a SPI version, since you are using SPI already.
If you have hit the memory roof already, you need to revise your selection of PIC variant, or how you use memory.
If you program in C, you may save some memory going through the data types in use, and the grouping of them. Alignment issues may steal RAM from you.