Hi everyone, just looking for some help on an electronics project I'm doing at school. I'm making a PIC08 circuit which controls three 12v computer case fans using a Thermistor as an analogue input. However I discovered that the output voltage I'm getting from the PIC isn't high enough to actually start the fans so I'm having to change my plans slightly.
I'm hoping to change the power supply of the circuit to 12v but use a voltage regulator to bring the voltage going into the PIC down to 4.5 (or 5) volts. However I'm having trouble finding a voltage regulator which has these specifications.
Can anyone recommend what I should do? I will update this post with circuit diagrams later once I have time.
EDIT: Here's the PCB I'm currently using. If possible I don't really want to have to make another.
EDIT 2: Corrected - I am hoping to change the power supply to 12v then bring down the voltage with a regulator.
I'm hoping to change the power supply of the circuit to 12v but use a voltage regulator to bring the voltage going into the PIC down to 4.5 (or 5) volts. However I'm having trouble finding a voltage regulator which has these specifications.
Can anyone recommend what I should do? I will update this post with circuit diagrams later once I have time.
EDIT: Here's the PCB I'm currently using. If possible I don't really want to have to make another.
EDIT 2: Corrected - I am hoping to change the power supply to 12v then bring down the voltage with a regulator.
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