Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC Programmer suggestions


Andrew Rich


Some observations:-

1. My Dell laptop only has USB
2. My USB to serial adaptor does not work with my PIC programmer or
opentracker boards
3. My desktop PC is fine to program my PIC's and opentracker using a "real"
serial port.
4. I really want some thing that is USB and can be used with MPLAB

Suggestions ?


Andrew said:

Some observations:-

1. My Dell laptop only has USB
2. My USB to serial adaptor does not work with my PIC programmer or
opentracker boards
3. My desktop PC is fine to program my PIC's and opentracker using a "real"
serial port.
4. I really want some thing that is USB and can be used with MPLAB

I don't know about MPLAB, I use ATEN brand USB to RS232 converter (about $25 retail) and it works with a lot of gear (including Atmel development boards). I bought tens of them for the company I work fpr and our distributors - so far no one has complained that is not working. There are probably few other good converters on the market.

Apparently PCMCIA RS232 adapters are the best but they also cost more.
