Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC 16F877 Driver board, Robot line following

Hello friends.I'm pretty new to this forum and still trying to figure out some things down if any mistake,please ignore it..

well,I have some problems.I just got new Project to make a line following robot.But the problem is I'm pretty new to PIC programming(But not to electronics). So all i needed to know is,Is there any circuit for PIC 16F877 designed for this purpose.? Is there any PCB.? All i need to control two motors according to six or seven inputs(most probably IR).. If it is please let me know how i can build that circuit or buy the pcb.Circuit Schematic or PCB number would be nice..

Thank You all in advance...hope good reply..
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There are a number of robotics forums that might have something. I would be looking for something that also has an interface to allow you to do in-circuit programming.

A bit of googling turned up this.