Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC 16F84 -- Eh?


Tim Wescott

Can someone with experience with the part tell me if there are
sufficient differences between the PIC 16F84 and the 16F84A to cause
problems during EEPROM write? I have purchased the "A" part for a
circuit (and software) that calls out the plain-jane version. I'm
having problems (described below) that are either the thing locking up
in mid-write or are _really weird_.

Dave Platt

Tim Wescott said:
Can someone with experience with the part tell me if there are
sufficient differences between the PIC 16F84 and the 16F84A to cause
problems during EEPROM write?

I suggest you go right to the horses's mouth: the 84->84A migration
guide is at

It looks to me as if there are some voltage, and timing differences
involving access to the EEPROM. Dunno whether that's the cause of
your lockups, though. is the
16F84A errata document.

Wouter van Ooijen

Been a long time since I looked, but as I recall, they inverted the
sense of one of the pins when they went to A???

No, they inverted the meaning of one of the bits in the configuration
word. IIRC the power-up delay timer.

Wouter van Ooijen

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