Maker Pro
Maker Pro

photocell project

I hooked up a led and photocell in series with 5 volts and instead of the
led getting brighter when covered to make dark it gets dull.
Can some photocells be made to do that? I just found some laying around to try.
Could use some advice on this.
Thanks I am sure that is what it is. These aren't marked or nothing,I just thought I'd try them.
So there are a few different kinds of photocells.I just wanted to confirm that. Thanks again
I feel better already.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well there are different types of sensors, but you'll struggle to find one that reduces it's resistance in the dark.

Typically the LDR you have would be coupled to a simple circuit to turn in a load when it's dark.

The classical circuit could probably be found by googling for "dark sensor circuit"
Well there are different types of sensors, but you'll struggle to find one that reduces it's resistance in the dark.

Typically the LDR you have would be coupled to a simple circuit to turn in a load when it's dark.

The classical circuit could probably be found by googling for "dark sensor circuit"
Thanks steve, I got all that understood now. You all taught me a lot,Good information here.