Maker Pro
Maker Pro

phone line and communication alarm on dsc 832 system

I recently powered up the alarm system that was in the house I
bought, and I keep getting a trouble alarm on the panel that shows
comunication and phone line troubles. I am not going to have the
alarm sys monitored right now. I have unplugged the phone line up to
the circuit board, but does not help either,any help on how to take
these trouble alarms off thanks


Seems you have three options...

1 - Hook the panel back up to the phone network correctly so it "sees"
dial tone properly. This will get rid of your dial tone trouble, but
not the trouble indicating the panel has failed to deliver its
automatic test signal to the station, so you are no further ahead.
2- Reprogram the panel for "local"mode. Contact the previous company
who was monitoring it for assistance or find another local company who
can assist you if the last company is not interested in assisting
(sometimes the case unless you resign another long term monitoring
contract; other companies will do it for a service charge)
3- Default the panel back to factory specifications and reprogram in
local mode ( this will work only if the board has not been"locked" in
firmware - if it is, your panel board is toast)
4..Buy a new board and reprogram....likely the cheapest route to go.
This stuff is dirt cheap today for most makes...

With the new board will come the programming sheets necessary to do it
yourself (yikes !!....I said those awful words....:))



I recently powered up the alarm system that was in the house I
bought, and I keep getting a trouble alarm on the panel that shows
comunication and phone line troubles. I am not going to have the
alarm sys monitored right now. I have unplugged the phone line up to
the circuit board, but does not help either,any help on how to take
these trouble alarms off thanks
