I have Phlips 27"tv model 27pt543s37a.The problem is HOT burned.I check
hot(BU4508DX) and it was short between base collector and
emmiter.Replaced for a new one.Some forums says that cause this short
capasitor C2455.I replaced it as well.There was diode 6460 on the board
shorted also.Replaced it.So when I turn on tv looks like High Voltage to
CRT comes on but after few seconds it shorts HOT again and make inpulse
noise.Checked HOT again and it was completely shorted all over
again.Suspect bad flyback but not sure.Is anybody has a similar problem
with this model?thanks
I have Phlips 27"tv model 27pt543s37a.The problem is HOT burned.I check
hot(BU4508DX) and it was short between base collector and
emmiter.Replaced for a new one.Some forums says that cause this short
capasitor C2455.I replaced it as well.There was diode 6460 on the board
shorted also.Replaced it.So when I turn on tv looks like High Voltage to
CRT comes on but after few seconds it shorts HOT again and make inpulse
noise.Checked HOT again and it was completely shorted all over
again.Suspect bad flyback but not sure.Is anybody has a similar problem
with this model?thanks