Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Philips Mini Hi-Fi FMW154 help?

I recently returned home from holiday to find my Hi-Fi speakers completely dead. It turns on, but I cannot open the disc tray and it refuses to play any form of music. The only response i receive is when the volume knob is turned, to which the speakers emit a low crackling. Any suggestions on what to do, thanks :D
I'm not sure if I can be of much help here but I'll ask a few questions anyway.
Were "the kids at home" while you were away (could anyone have used/disturbed it)?
Was the power turned off (is the power switch a touch or a mains type?), or was it unplugged?
No-one was at home whilst we were away, and I believe the unit was turned off for the duration of the holiday, I could understand if it broke whilst in use but for it to break while no-one is using it seems very odd.
Ok, so it was not abused in any way, but if the power switch is a standby/active touch type it's still powered up and it can thus be damaged by lightning surges etc.
I don't know how it could be damaged like that by that phenomenon however. One other thing is age. How old is it?
Could have done a bunch... everything to knock out a fuse to completely blow every component on the board... its rare that it gets that far, but it could happen. Hell, I had a lightning strike go through a telephone modem (remember those!) and take out my entire computer about 10 years back. Almost every component was dead with one single strike. I think my floppy drive was okay.
Ah that's really unlucky, well I have absolutely no idea what to do, may well have to purchase a new one if things don't get any better.