Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Philips LPC 2106 ARM board and Jtag


Uses Philips ARM LPC2106 microcontroller with 128kbyte Flash and 64kbyte
SRAM.RTC, 2x UARTs, I2C, SPI, 2x 32bit TIMERS, 7x CCR, 6x PWM, WDT, 5V
tolerant I/O, up to 60MHz operationRTC, 2x UARTs, I2C, SPI, 2x 32bit TIMERS,
7x CCR, 6x PWM, WDT, 5V tolerant I/O, up to 60MHz operation
2. Two on board voltage regulators 1.8V and 3.3V with up to 800mA current
3. Reset chip included on-board.

4. expansion headers (back) for uC pins
5. 12.X MHz oscillator on-board.

6. USB power cable

7. Serial cable for program uploading

a.. RS232 interface circuit
b.. RESET circuit
c.. push BUTTON with pullup
d.. status LED
e.. Boot loader enable jumper and pullup
f.. DBGSEL, RTCK pullup resistors
g.. single power supply from USB: +5-9VDC required
h.. prototype PCB area with +3.3V and GND bus
i.. Power plug-in pole
j.. PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), soldermask, white silkscreen component
k.. Six mounting holes
US $ 63.