Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Philips ecg995 datasheet

Hello, i'm new to these forums, and pretty new to electronics. I'm working on a project that uses a lm2907 our 2917 f to c chip, and I can't find one locally. I did pick up a ecg995m, but I can't find a datasheet for it. Actually, I have found one at several sights, like datasheet archives, but ever pdf file I download won't open. Says it could be corrupt. I have no problem viewing any other pdf I download. Could someone offer advice, or maybe just tell me that I have no chance of using this chip in place of a lm2907? Thanks.
Well, the datasheet states that it interfaces directly with var. reluctance sensors. I'm using a hall effect. I guess I'll go ahead and put something together, to see if it'll even see the hall signal. Unless, you might know that it WON'T. Thanks for any advice you might have for me regarding this, I don't own or have access to a scope, and don't know what the difference is between these two wave forms.
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