Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Philips DS 9000 no power

Hello everyone.
i dont quilte know if this is the correct place to be assing this, but i am having a power problem with my Philips ds9000.
There isen't any response when i plug it in, and ive tried different cables. Idk if it might be a fuse problem. I tried contacting Philips but my warranty is too old.
I don't know texting short-hand, what's 'ldk'?
The first thing to check, is the fuse. It'll be inside the chassis.
Take the cover off and look near where the power cord enters the unit.
They're typically glass tubes with metal end-caps.
If the fuse if blown, the very fine wire with-in the glass tube will be blown open.


Sadly passed away in 2015
I don't think shrtrnd meant it as a joke...

shrtrnd, if you haven't got the joke yet, look at the first three words of the first sentence of your post #2 in this thread :)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I don't think shrtrnd meant it as a joke...

No, it's completely serious.

It can be really hard to know what abbreviations mean when used out of context.

FTP... Well, that's File Transfer Protocol isn't it? No, an older relative told me it meant "F*** The Police" in his day.

POS... Point Of Sale, Piece of Shirt, ... no apparently it can mean Parent Over Shoulder.

See for more.

The problem is that the context is social and the meanings (or lack thereof) depend on who you hang out with, when, and what with. It has almost ZERO to do with your knowledge of electronics. And as a poster, it was electronics that brought you here, not a need to socialise (although we do that too)

But the BIGGEST problem... We end up talking more about the language than the problem.
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No joke.
The joke was on me.
Wait a minute, if I answered my own question in the first line, maybe I'm brilliant,
and just didn't realize it, ....
Yeah, I'm getting actual company emails made by the management (all college kids,
excuse me, *steve*), with texting short-hand in the text, like us old-timers are supposed
to know what the short-hand means.
The only other one I knew (because somebody explained it to me), is the 'lol'.
Apparently, I got the 'laugh out loud' going with my post here.