Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Philips 55PL9873 LCoS Rear Projection TV I screwed up. need helpanybody.



I install TV's and satellites for work.

Me and my co worker went and installed some Philips plasma's (Hotel
TV's) at a resort up here. These ones doesn't come with any remote or
manuals and they were set to Hotel Mode already. We need to feed DVD
via Composite video but by default TV were set to use Component part of
that one and only usable input.

I called the dealer and they told how I get a Philips remote, do the
code to enter service menu and disable hotel mode etc etc..

Anyways, we got a Philips TV with remote back at office so When I got
into office I enter the "Service Menu" SAM mode on our showroom LCD
projection TV "55PL9873" Just to get familiar with the menu, didn't have
any intentions to change anything. As I was going thought menus I got
into Alignment area of the menu system look like this.


Show Test Patterns (On|*Off}---
Align ADC
Set Factory

As I was going thought the menus I accidently pressed Align ADC and
screen went purple and colors go all screwed up.

I told it to set Factory and it didn't fix it, Now colors are really
really screwed up. It seem to reflect on what on the screen to get it
adjusted thought, I'm thinking it need some kind of test pattern to
readjust it right again.

Depending on what showing on TV and press the Adjust ADC option it will
flicker and give me different colors according to colors on the screen.
If there is too much white on show it will give me purple. Too much
green then It will raise the blue. I played with it for an hour with
different shows from DVD and HD sources.

If I do adjustment during dark scenes it will turn bluish or reddish.
If I do the adjustment on scene with is good amount of light out door a
lots of green trees and blue sky with white clouds and some water, it
seem to bring the picture back almost perfect, but whites are washed out
from back lighting. Didn't adjust another setting on this set but
accidently press the arrow on that option. :(

Anybody know how to fix that?

Jerry G.

I would order the service manual for the set. You will need a scope,
and the video test generator, to put up the proper calibration
patterns, to get the tracking back (if I have it right about what you

It would be cheaper and easier to get the set over to the Philips
service centre, and let them put things back for you.

As for the Plasma screens, you can end up in the same kind of trouble,
when messing around with them. I would get the Philips service centre
to do this for you, in case something happens.

Jerry G.