Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Philips 42 PF plasma power supply problem



Set refuses power on, both on remote as panel button, standby light is
As this set is already 4 years old, is it worth fixing?
The panel was ok until failure.

Bart Bervoets
Bart Bervoets:
Without a qualified tech getting inside with some test equipment and
diagnostic knowledge how can anyone say whether it is worth fixing or
Could be fairly easy to fix or could be a basket case??? No way to
know based on the total lack of technical and troubleshooting results
and details in your original posting.
At the very least you should TAKE it to a service shop for a repair
cost estimate so you can make an intelligent repair decision with facts
instead of wild guesses.
Bart Bervoets:
Without a qualified tech getting inside with some test equipment and
diagnostic knowledge how can anyone say whether it is worth fixing or
Could be fairly easy to fix or could be a basket case??? No way to
know based on the total lack of technical and troubleshooting results
and details in your original posting.
At the very least you should TAKE it to a service shop for a repair
cost estimate so you can make an intelligent repair decision with facts
instead of wild guesses.

I would revise that to say you should call a Philips authorized
servicer that has been trained on the Plasma sets to come out and look
at it in your home. The chance of damage in moving it is a lot higher
if you are trying to get it into the car a few times.


Presume the power supply and maybe one or both of the sustain panels. Also,
if you are Philips Authorized, go their website and download the service
related bulletins for the specific model. Than way you will have the
partainent data to that specific model. BTW, I'v seen those carryins beign
transported glass down in the back of a pickup!!


Art said:
Presume the power supply and maybe one or both of the sustain panels. Also,
if you are Philips Authorized, go their website and download the service
related bulletins for the specific model. Than way you will have the
partainent data to that specific model. BTW, I'v seen those carryins beign
transported glass down in the back of a pickup!!

I am a technician but not familiar with plasma.
As well the screen is not with me so i based me on my friend's error
Power supply was my guess as well.

Bart Bervoets


Presume the power supply and maybe one or both of the sustain panels. Also,
if you are Philips Authorized, go their website and download the service
related bulletins for the specific model. Than way you will have the
partainent data to that specific model. BTW, I'v seen those carryins beign
transported glass down in the back of a pickup!!

Nothing wrong with that, as long as it's on a blanket or other soft