Maker Pro
Maker Pro

philips 28pw6517 and 32pw6006

these two sets have similar boards and I am having the same problem
with them. I replaced the BU4508dx but the horizontal section is
giving me problems. The other just switches on and then after 10sec
goes off. but if you keep putting it on by remote it then goes on but
does not fill screen and makes a high pitch sound. Please help.


[email protected] ha escrito:
these two sets have similar boards and I am having the same problem
with them. I replaced the BU4508dx but the horizontal section is
giving me problems. The other just switches on and then after 10sec
goes off. but if you keep putting it on by remote it then goes on but
does not fill screen and makes a high pitch sound. Please help.

theres a list of stock faults for these on the highlandelectrix site.