Maker Pro
Maker Pro

peltier voltage

I have a small wine frige with bad peltier controller so I was thinking of getting a controller on ebay for $15. Only think is I need to know the voltage of the peltier unit. Do these units use a common voltage or do they differ?
I can tell you that the rated voltage of the Peltier Effect unit is likely to be your supply voltage as for efficiency there will be minimal loss in the controller. Surprised to learn that they would use a controller, maybe it just switches on or off? You usually need to get as much as possible out of a Peltier Effect fridge, they are normally described as "Coolers" rather than fridges. Come to think of it, though, I DO have one somewhere with a slider control.
Did you know that you can stack the Pelter units to improve efficiency? I tried as many as three, one behind the other. Divided the current by three, and slightly better cooling. Bit messy fitting them, though, with the heat sink compound between the layers and things sliding around.
When I first went off-grid I was buying Peltier fridges from the tip for $5 each. I have 24 volt, and some happened to be 24 volt. I started with 12 volt so all of the fridges I bought got a run. I've been lately having trouble with bread going moldy after a couple of days, and while researching I came upon a video online with a guy making a dehumidifier using a Peltier device, and suggesting that moisture was the problem.. But I happened to be at a supermarket selling dehumidifiers so bought one instead of building one. But looks like a frig could be easily converted. I have a Peltier water cooler that couldn't get a bottle for, so its a candidate for conversion as well. But experience so far is that moisture is not my problem, but TEMPERATURE. Your suggestion could be correct. I can't recall how well the pott worked.