Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PCBGRIP: Making it easier to assemble electronics.

I was only born with two hands, so when it comes time to assemble my electronics project, there are more things to hold and turn than I have hands. While there are tools that hold PCBs, I wanted a quality tool that would hold the PCB and everything else, even holding through hole components upside down while I solder. The tool had to allow me to get at the work from all angles and be flexible enough to use for all my projects, as opposed to a dedicated jig specific to one project.

Not finding what I wanted, I designed and built PCBGRIP, an electronics assembly system that makes it easier to assemble electronics. I just launched a Kickstarter campaign to crowd fund PCBGRIP. The Kickstarter campaign can be found here:

Some more pictures of PCBGRIP can be found on Flickr at

Hopefully you'll find this as useful as I do.