Just wondered if anyone did something like this
I have two pcb layouts done with the opensource pcb program
layout 1 is for the top board
layout two is for the bottom board
both boards are 8x5
I have decided instead of merge them into one board of size 8x10, and I
thought that simply doing the following
opening top.pcb and increasing it to 8x10
opening bottom.pcb and increasing it to 8x10 and moving the layout to
the bottom of the 8x10 window
cat top.pcb bottom.pcb >newlayout.pcb
editing the newlayout.pcb to make certain theres one header and non
duplicate parts
But that hasnt worked out
anyone ever had to do something like this?
If all fails Ill just redo the layout on an 8x10 sized board, but it
would cost a week - which is probably the best thing to do in the long
run anyway
I have two pcb layouts done with the opensource pcb program
layout 1 is for the top board
layout two is for the bottom board
both boards are 8x5
I have decided instead of merge them into one board of size 8x10, and I
thought that simply doing the following
opening top.pcb and increasing it to 8x10
opening bottom.pcb and increasing it to 8x10 and moving the layout to
the bottom of the 8x10 window
cat top.pcb bottom.pcb >newlayout.pcb
editing the newlayout.pcb to make certain theres one header and non
duplicate parts
But that hasnt worked out
anyone ever had to do something like this?
If all fails Ill just redo the layout on an 8x10 sized board, but it
would cost a week - which is probably the best thing to do in the long
run anyway