Maker Pro
Maker Pro increasing clearance



quick question to any "pcb" users (open source geda tools):

I have a layout completed and I tried to create a copper pour with the
"rectangle" function but realized that my default clearance of 10 mil
(traces) is wayyy too small.

I believe its possible to change this individually (by clicking on each
trace) but is there a way to change this setting FOR ALL TRACES at once?
do I have to edit the layout file under VIM or is there an easier way?


DJ Delorie

samster said:
I believe its possible to change this individually (by clicking on each
trace) but is there a way to change this setting FOR ALL TRACES at once?
do I have to edit the layout file under VIM or is there an easier way?

Select -> Select All Objects


The command line window (":") allows a lot of flexibility, but you
need to read the "Action Reference" appendix of the manual to know
what to type in. Reference Action

Note that pcb's plugin system hooks into the command line, so if you
need something that's not already there, it's pretty easy to write a
new module, put it in ~/.pcb, and invoke it from the command window.


Select -> Select All Objects


thanks man.
I read about this briefly some months back. After post, I am going now
reread that section of the manual.