Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PCB Prototype solderless breadboard questions

Hello Guys and Gals,

I am new to the forum and have a couple questions about solderless breadboards.

I have been looking at many types online and cost is in the hundreds for a large breadboard like

So I am thinking of making my own as it would only cost about $30-$40 which is a big savings.

My question is can a board such as be drilled in the corner for mounting?

I have not been able to find any answers on it or find boards that size that have mounting holes.

Next question is what is a good material to mount the to?

I don't have a lot of cash so it is way cheaper to make a board like so i thought someone here may have an answer.

I chose this site as it seem to have active users and as a total noob I thought it would be a good site to read and learn from other posts.

Thanks in advance
Where are you looking for your breadboard, how big do you expect the board to be?
The prices on most breadboards seem pretty reasonably priced to me, and I shudder to think of how much time it would take to build my own.
Are we talking about a breadboard that accepts standard DIP (dual in-line package) devices, or something different like surface mount component mounts?
I didn't click on all your reference website markers.
If you're interested in finding reasonably priced breadboards (unless this is some kind of special purpose application), I think somebody here will be able to point you
toward some reliable vendors. Is that something you'd rather be interested in?
You should be able to drill the corners with a small hole where there is a margin with no conductors. If you look on the back of the breadboard it will be obvious.
Hey Guys,

Thanks for the fast reply to my post I really appreciate it.

As for what size board I was/am looking for it has 5424 points on it.
But for that board it is like $178.00 usd plus tax and shipping extra, so I will make my own.
I could have gone with small points but I would rather have more points then to not have enough.

Tha fios agaibh,
Thanks for the drilling info I requested.
I have not ordered the boards yet as i wanted to be sure before I ordered them.
But now that you given me an answer I will likely order the parts today.

I only have to figure out a good backing/mounting material and then i am good.

Thanks again for the help and info.


Welcome to EP

Hello Guys and Gals,

I am new to the forum and have a couple questions about solderless breadboards.

I have been looking at many types online and cost is in the hundreds for a large breadboard like

That is absolutely HUGE !!, no wonder it costs $100's

smaller ones like in the second pic you linked to are dirt cheap on ebay

why would you even consider trying to make something so complex ?

Where are you looking for your breadboard, how big do you expect the board to be?
The prices on most breadboards seem pretty reasonably priced to me, and I shudder to think of how much time it would take to build my own.
Are we talking about a breadboard that accepts standard DIP (dual in-line package) devices, or something different like surface mount component mounts?
I didn't click on all your reference website markers.
If you're interested in finding reasonably priced breadboards (unless this is some kind of special purpose application), I think somebody here will be able to point you toward some reliable vendors. Is that something you'd rather be interested in?

I agree with all @shrtrnd 's comments :)

Yeah, but jumpers are included!:p

I just buy the cheaper ones with double sided tape on the back and stack them together to make the larger size, mounted to rigid particle board .
2nd that!!

For about $2 you can just buy the breadboard itself, which has 830 points, even ten of these are not going to set you back too badly. Granted, you would need to use jumpers between boards, but for the $$$ I think you would be better served going this route unless you are breadboarding monster chips with large displays, etc. Only you know what you really need, but there are always options.

Welcome to the forum and good luck with your build!
It seems like you're using standard bread-board sized contact points.
In that case I 3rd chopnhack's recommendation.
Buy a bunch of small boards and mount them on a large back-board to get the 5424 (or more) contacts you want.
You gotta be one gung-ho guy to build one of these things yourself.
Support the industrial revolution and let the robots build the individual contact points, then string the small boards together.
Good luck..
Welcome to EP

That is absolutely HUGE !!, no wonder it costs $100's

smaller ones like in the second pic you linked to are dirt cheap on ebay

why would you even consider trying to make something so complex ?

I agree with all @shrtrnd 's comments :)

Hey Dave,

Yes the first board is huge which is why I was going to by several of the boards in link two and build my own board.
I did find a good board for cheap,searchweb201644_5,searchweb201560_9

But it only has one column of pins on each board instead of the standard two.
Also I could not find a power supply to fit that board as they all seem to have two set of two pins for each board section. (hope that makes sense)

I even found this board,searchweb201644_5,searchweb201560_9 which is a bit smaller but has correct type and layout of the larger board.

I guess i could buy two of these boards and then link them as I am sure it would work the same and there are power supplies that fit the board.

Anyways thanks for all the help and feedback.
Thanks again I will keep reading comments and decide later today or tomorrow.
Have Shrtrnd & Chopnhack,

Thanks for your suggestions and info I appreciate it.

As I mentioned to Dave there are many boards I have been looking at.
So i guess I could buy 2 of the smaller boards and tie them together to make a larger board.

It is a tough choice and with all of the help you all gave me I am closer to deciding on what I will do.
I find it very tough to decide as there are so many boards out there.

I have been googling for weeks looking for boards and trying to find cheap prices and aliexpress seems to be best place for variety and price.

Anyways thanks again for the help.
2nd that!!

For about $2 you can just buy the breadboard itself, which has 830 points, even ten of these are not going to set you back too badly. Granted, you would need to use jumpers between boards, but for the $$$ I think you would be better served going this route unless you are breadboarding monster chips with large displays, etc. Only you know what you really need, but there are always options.

Welcome to the forum and good luck with your build!

Yes good advice.
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the great responses with your help I should make a choice shortly.

I am currently debating on 3 choices which are the following:


Or using the following and making my own board from scratch

Items 1 & 2 are different sizes and have different board voltage pins item one has both positive and negative on side of each board or item two only has 1 column for voltage per side of board.
Item 3 is if I decide to make my own from scratch but I am not sure if its worth making my own as other options are pretty cheap.

Anyways i will let you all know once I decide, I think I will sleep on it tonight and make choice tomorrow.
Thanks again for all the help.
Get the cheapest that will get the work done as you may find yourself outgrowing them in one way or another. You may find that you will do more of your projects with smd and then these boards will be fairly obsolete for that purpose. The second link to allied express that you said is the correct layout is nothing more than three of those two dollar boards I linked to you earlier glued down side by side. I did notice that they realligned the negative (blue) rail opposite of how the normal MB-102 come from the factory, but that is something you can do as well as they are modular, those little double rows for power are removable from the main body so you can customize it anyway you want to. I would order 5 or 6 of the MB-102, get an acrylic clip board from the dollar store or some such and you can save yourself some money.
Get the cheapest that will get the work done as you may find yourself outgrowing them in one way or another. You may find that you will do more of your projects with smd and then these boards will be fairly obsolete for that purpose. The second link to allied express that you said is the correct layout is nothing more than three of those two dollar boards I linked to you earlier glued down side by side. I did notice that they realligned the negative (blue) rail opposite of how the normal MB-102 come from the factory, but that is something you can do as well as they are modular, those little double rows for power are removable from the main body so you can customize it anyway you want to. I would order 5 or 6 of the MB-102, get an acrylic clip board from the dollar store or some such and you can save yourself some money.


Ok thanks for the info i will then order the MB-102 boards first thing in the morning.
I will also check our local dollar store for an acrylic clip board.

Thanks again for all the help.
Most breadboard modules are, as the term implies, modular. They have dovetail joints on the edges to allow them to be panelized and mount in a mutually supporting way. They have screw bosses molded into the back which allows firm connection to a substrate such as plastic or metal from the bottom without having any part of the screws exposed on the top side.
Most breadboard modules are, as the term implies, modular. They have dovetail joints on the edges to allow them to be panelized and mount in a mutually supporting way. They have screw bosses molded into the back which allows firm connection to a substrate such as plastic or metal from the bottom without having any part of the screws exposed on the top side.

Hey Kj6ead,

Thanks for this extra info, I do appreciate it.

I just finished ordering the parts and will be going out to find a backing later today or tomorrow.
It should take a couple weeks to get parts in the mail or I hope sooner.

Like i mentioned earlier in post, I am a total noob and am doing this to simply learn and have fun.
I have been doing lots of reading and watching videos on Youtube which is a good place.
And with all the help and information from users here on this site and forum posts I think its a good start.

I will let everyone know when I have all the parts and have it assembled.
Plus I will take a picture and post what it looks like when complete.

Thanks again to you and all other users for the great help and advice.
Also thanks for pointing me in the right direction.