Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Part name needed

Hi, and thank you for overlooking my Newbness! I have been actively searching for the real name of a specific part for several weeks with no success-again Newbness in action! I am looking for a 100K pot with an integral push on push off switch. I do not necessarily need the switch, but I need the latched raising and lowering of the knob with a push as I need it to be retained into a recess after adjustment and with a push, come back out for readjustment. I have been unsuccessful looking through all of the sites I have tried from Digikey to Ebay, to Grainger to an untold number of electronic surplus sites...I know it exists, I have similar potentiometers on several car stereos, and I am reasonably certain that I am fumbling all over the actual name of this item when searching. The closest I have found is this: which is evidently a push/pull-even though an email to the seller tells me his representative really does not know anything about the product...except that it is a potentiometer. I have a motor control circuit(actually 4 of them with a 100K pot that I want to replace with an articulated(push adjustment knob to raise/push again to lower) 100k pot...please see the pictures for what I am trying to replace.

Also there is a distinct sweet spot for the the adjustment-that is to say most of the useable adjustment comes from 30-60 percent of the available adjustment, I would like to have the majority of the allowable movement of the pot make effective adjustment to the motor speed-My newb knowledge(or lack there of) leads me to think that adding a resistor could re-calibrate the speed adjustment relative to the range of allowable movement in the pot...

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated-and publicly acknowledged-thanks in advance!



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Thanks for the reply! That is close, but it looks to be a pot with a switch at the end of its rotary movement-I need a regular pot with a push button articulation of the knob, raising it with and push, and lowering it and latching it in the lowered position with a second push(push on, push off- or push in and latch, push again, and it pops out). The knob moves in an out along its shaft in addition to rotating around it...I have a car stereo with the movement I am looking for, I will dig it out and see about making a video of the articulation I am looking for.
Thanks! That is the type of part I am after-but 8 not thousands! I want one to use and a backup for each of the four controllers. I believe these are Linear taper, and now that I have the name "push-push POT" (Really?) hopefully I will find some of what I am after and not have to buy sets that are close and dissassemble/reassemble to get exactly what I want...
Thanks again!
Ok 30 minutes on the Net...21 pages no Push Push 100K linear taper pots looks like I am going to have to get a set with Push push, strip them for parts and put together what I need
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After much ado and too much time, the parts I am after are called Modular brand is Modpot. they have stackable modules that allow one shaft to control many things...and so far I cannot find a company that will make and sell 8 specific to my needs or the parts to allow me to bolt them together myself! I am going to search the boards for a component(shaft/module/hardware )supplier but if you happen to know of one, please post it for me...I have taken apart a car stereo to see what they are:
In the Picture the one in the forground is retracted and the one in the background is extended.


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