Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Part Identifying help needed



Its from a viewsonic P810 monitor part S671. it looks like a fusible
resistor and it has a red band and a black band on one end and a white band
on the other with clear glass in the middle--how to I determine its value
based on this?




S said:
Its from a viewsonic P810 monitor part S671. it looks like a fusible
resistor and it has a red band and a black band on one end and a white band
on the other with clear glass in the middle--how to I determine its value
based on this?



Oh ok its a spark gap--how do I test these? its pretty burnt up looking
meaning what? the flyback is toast? The monitor powers up, high voltage
kicks in but then the screen enlarges in size until it vanishes and shuts
down. very weird problem.

The parts list that I have is for a P810-1M. There are 4 or 5 different
chassis used in the P810. My list does not show that item. It does list
a S699, S1001, S1101, and a S1201. All are spark gaps with the same
part number: TAGDSP201MF
The part should check as open circuit on an ohm-meter. I would leave
it out. It should run OK without that part being present.
For you other problems, I would check the FET transistor that controls
the voltage to the flyback. It is located on the heat sink near the
HOT transistor. There are 3 or 4 transistors on the heat sink.
the HOT is actually an FET.
The flyback may be going bad on this set.
Hope this helps...


thanks will have a look--I know both the HOT and flyback are ok and all the
caps are normal ESR.