Hello All,
I come seeking advice for a project I want to do.
I have a Parrot MKi 9200 remote control, and my plan is to take the board out and wire it into the steering wheel buttons on my car, then hide the board behind the dashboard and just use the steering wheel buttons.
In the main this is straight forward, however there is a jog/scroll knob on the remote so I need to get two buttons to emulate the behaviour of said knob. I have had a look at said knob and it is entirely mechanical, through testing I have established that when it is turned CW the two outputs change state on each click with one leading the other (say A leading B). When it is turned CCW the two outputs change state on each click with B leading A. The other observations I have made are:
Number of clicks in per 360 degrees: 30
Minimum realistic time for 360 degree turn: 1 second
From that I have decided that a 5ms signal delay should work quite nicely, but ideally need to be able to fine tune it.
I would be using relays to interface the two circuits and have found some relay ICs (more later).
I would be using the 12v DC supply from the car and would like to use 5v TTL although the relay ICs are CMOS. I will also need 3v DC for the remote control circuit board.
So attached is what I came up with.
Questions are:
Will it work?
Are the JK inputs held low when unconnected?
Can you tell me which Dual JK Flip Flop IC to buy? (I've looked and it's very confusing to me).
Can you suggest a delay circuit?
The relay ICs I have found are ECE EPR2 (http://www.ece.com.tw/product-list.php?uID=6&cID=7), they seem ideal but I cannot find anywhere to by less than 500,000 of them! Can you suggest an alternative that I can buy one of?
Should I use TTL and CMOS or just CMOS, then I will only need a 3.3v supply and the remote board is happy at 3.3v (normally operates from a CR2032 battery)?
I come seeking advice for a project I want to do.
I have a Parrot MKi 9200 remote control, and my plan is to take the board out and wire it into the steering wheel buttons on my car, then hide the board behind the dashboard and just use the steering wheel buttons.
In the main this is straight forward, however there is a jog/scroll knob on the remote so I need to get two buttons to emulate the behaviour of said knob. I have had a look at said knob and it is entirely mechanical, through testing I have established that when it is turned CW the two outputs change state on each click with one leading the other (say A leading B). When it is turned CCW the two outputs change state on each click with B leading A. The other observations I have made are:
Number of clicks in per 360 degrees: 30
Minimum realistic time for 360 degree turn: 1 second
From that I have decided that a 5ms signal delay should work quite nicely, but ideally need to be able to fine tune it.
I would be using relays to interface the two circuits and have found some relay ICs (more later).
I would be using the 12v DC supply from the car and would like to use 5v TTL although the relay ICs are CMOS. I will also need 3v DC for the remote control circuit board.
So attached is what I came up with.
Questions are:
Will it work?
Are the JK inputs held low when unconnected?
Can you tell me which Dual JK Flip Flop IC to buy? (I've looked and it's very confusing to me).
Can you suggest a delay circuit?
The relay ICs I have found are ECE EPR2 (http://www.ece.com.tw/product-list.php?uID=6&cID=7), they seem ideal but I cannot find anywhere to by less than 500,000 of them! Can you suggest an alternative that I can buy one of?
Should I use TTL and CMOS or just CMOS, then I will only need a 3.3v supply and the remote board is happy at 3.3v (normally operates from a CR2032 battery)?