Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Parallel port ( bit data logger?



Hi to all,

until now I' used LoganQ program and hardware as data logger over parallel
port and it was very useful, but recently I change my laptop with one
running WINXP PRO. I can not use LoganQ any more. Could you please give me
some idea to build other logger but with software running on WINXP or maybe
you can point me to some software to jump Parallel port protections in WINXP
Thanks in advance.

Si Ballenger

Hi to all,

until now I' used LoganQ program and hardware as data logger over parallel
port and it was very useful, but recently I change my laptop with one
running WINXP PRO. I can not use LoganQ any more. Could you please give me
some idea to build other logger but with software running on WINXP or maybe
you can point me to some software to jump Parallel port protections in WINXP
Thanks in advance.

Go to the below site and get the file. Run userport
and you will again have access to the parallel port.

Bob Smith

You might also look at the one bit data scope at It captures one bit
at about 100Khz and is parasitically powered by
the port. The Tcl/Tk program with it *should*
run on WinXP.
