Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Paradox SPC 1738 EX


No Name

Does anyone have the installer manual for this? I checked and
he doesn't have it. I remember another site that might have it, but for
the life of me, I can't remember the site. It was something like but google turned up empty.

A customer supposedly deleted the master code. Can the code be defaulted
thru installer programming? Any help would be appreciated.



Yes, unlike older Paradox lines, with the Spectra and Digiplex panels, you
can access the master code via the installer code. Provided you know the
installer code, press "enter" plus the installer code, then go into section
301, and type in your new master code, which will overwrite the old one.

To default, provided the board is not locked, power down, put on reset
jumper, power up with AC, wait a good 20 or 30 seconds, remove the jumper
and you are back to factory....000000 is the default installer code. If
locked, nothing happens at all (note you do NOT lose all settings except the
installer code like the DSC panels, so there is no danger in trying to

You will find it's much easier to do everything with these lines of panels
if you hook up and use the full LCD keypad

Hope that helps


No Name

Yes, unlike older Paradox lines, with the Spectra and Digiplex panels, you
can access the master code via the installer code. Provided you know the
installer code, press "enter" plus the installer code, then go into section
301, and type in your new master code, which will overwrite the old one.

To default, provided the board is not locked, power down, put on reset
jumper, power up with AC, wait a good 20 or 30 seconds, remove the jumper
and you are back to factory....000000 is the default installer code. If
locked, nothing happens at all (note you do NOT lose all settings except the
installer code like the DSC panels, so there is no danger in trying to

You will find it's much easier to do everything with these lines of panels
if you hook up and use the full LCD keypad

Hope that helps

Thanks, that's more than I knew before. Let me get this straight. If
locked, only the installer code is defaulted, otherwise everything is
defaulted. Is there anyway of telling if the panel is locked (clicking of
realy on DSC panels)? If I recall, there was only an LED keypad and no
programming sheets on site. Also a 4 hours drive one way.


Mark Leuck

R.H.Campbell said:
You will find it's much easier to do everything with these lines of panels
if you hook up and use the full LCD keypad

Hope that helps


The odd thing is like DSC with the Spectra I find it easier to do
programming with an LED keypad instead of an LCD, the LCD slows me down for
some reason

Frank Olson

Mark Leuck said:
The odd thing is like DSC with the Spectra I find it easier to do
programming with an LED keypad instead of an LCD, the LCD slows me down
some reason

It's the "Canadian" spelling. <ducking>


No, if the board is locked NOTHING is defaulted......absolutely nothing
happens (but unlike DSC, you also don't lose any of the programming). If the
board is not locked, everything goes back to factory. It's all or nothing !

There is no way of really knowing at first glance if the default has been
successful except usually all the zone lights come on on the keypad. Plus it
then responds to your attempts to access programming mode using the factory
default programming code of 000000. And since virtually no one uses 6 digit
codes, the simple fact that you have to use 6 digits to enter programming
mode tells you that it has been defaulted.

If you need the sheets, I can download them off the site and e mail them to
you...I have an access code to the site. If you want hard copy, I can snail
mail them to you as well.


No Name

No, if the board is locked NOTHING is defaulted......absolutely nothing
happens (but unlike DSC, you also don't lose any of the programming). If the
board is not locked, everything goes back to factory. It's all or nothing !

There is no way of really knowing at first glance if the default has been
successful except usually all the zone lights come on on the keypad. Plus it
then responds to your attempts to access programming mode using the factory
default programming code of 000000. And since virtually no one uses 6 digit
codes, the simple fact that you have to use 6 digits to enter programming
mode tells you that it has been defaulted.

If you need the sheets, I can download them off the site and e mail them to
you...I have an access code to the site. If you want hard copy, I can snail
mail them to you as well.


I think I got it now. I sent you an email so you have an email addy to
send those sheets. Your help is greatly appreciated.