Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Panel display for 10K pot

Hello all,

I am caught in a project that I am certain will seem laughable to most of you, but I am at a loss as to what I need.
I have installed linear actuators on a project, they each have an on board 10K pot built into them. I need a small inexpensive panel display to give a number value to track the location of the actuator. (not necessarily any scale, can be an arbitrary number, its just a reference) I bought a device I was told would do the job, (actually two of them because I have 2 actuators.) I can not get them to work and the company has been absolutely no help at all. I am not opposed to changing to a different device, but would rather not throw away a bunch more money.

This is the device I bought, but it shows it accepts 0 - 375 Ohms. Is there a way I can make this work, or is there something better suited.

I do already have the holes cut in the panel, so something the same size would be awesome!

Thank you for any help you can give me.


You could try connecting the 10K pot to a regulated 5volt DC source, eg 7805 regulator.
The wiper from the pot would be the input to the display.
Set the display to Volts(DC) and Range to 0-5V.
Arduino and a small program can track a pot position and return a number that represents the voltage level on the wiper (0 to 1023)
This could then be used as a reference to drive an LCD.
Voltage on the pot is limited to 5v dc though.
If you require different numbers you can "map" it to suit whatever you need.
Thank you all for your help. I will try the 5V supply. I misunderstood what the manual was telling me. Ill give it a whirl the right way. Thanks again for everyones suggestions.
