Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Panasonic TC-11LV1 11 inch LCD TV/DVD question




This last spring, a local repair depot trashed a lot of inventory during
a location move; much of the discarded material remained in the parking
lot for weeks (in bad weather) and before it found its way to the landfill
(it wasn't recycled), I rescued a few things including a nearly complete
Panasonic TC-11LV1 LCD TV/DVD. The DVD drive and electronics is missing
but the LCD, tuner and I/O board remains together with the case. The
set powers on and receives OTA video nicely, but powers down after
a few seconds. I surmised that it doesn't like the absence of the
DVD drive (perhaps there is a discrete signal on a cable for drive

Before ordering a service manual, I would appreciate knowing if anyone
has been able to run the TV without the DVD drive installed or if
a look at the service manual reveals clues about signals to simulate
the presence of the drive (if one is lucky). The LCD is very bright
and has good contrast so I would like to kludge things to be able
to run it.

Also, does anyone know the purpose of the jack beneath the tuner's
F connector (it's an eight-pin male header -- perhaps a DTV
accessory jack?)



Meat Plow


This last spring, a local repair depot trashed a lot of inventory during
a location move; much of the discarded material remained in the parking
lot for weeks (in bad weather) and before it found its way to the landfill
(it wasn't recycled), I rescued a few things including a nearly complete
Panasonic TC-11LV1 LCD TV/DVD. The DVD drive and electronics is missing
but the LCD, tuner and I/O board remains together with the case. The
set powers on and receives OTA video nicely, but powers down after
a few seconds. I surmised that it doesn't like the absence of the
DVD drive (perhaps there is a discrete signal on a cable for drive

Before ordering a service manual, I would appreciate knowing if anyone
has been able to run the TV without the DVD drive installed or if
a look at the service manual reveals clues about signals to simulate
the presence of the drive (if one is lucky). The LCD is very bright
and has good contrast so I would like to kludge things to be able
to run it.

Also, does anyone know the purpose of the jack beneath the tuner's
F connector (it's an eight-pin male header -- perhaps a DTV
accessory jack?)

I doubt very much that the TV cares if the internal DVD player is hooked
up. And what style 8 pin jack is it?


Meat said:
On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 01:39:01 -0600, msg wrote:

I doubt very much that the TV cares if the internal DVD player is hooked
up. And what style 8 pin jack is it?

In-line 10th inch center short pin header with while nylon surround --
common to lots of consumer gear. It is hidden behind a small plastic
cover which pries open. The user manual does not mention it.




msg wrote:

Before ordering a service manual, I would appreciate knowing if anyone
has been able to run the TV without the DVD drive installed or if
a look at the service manual reveals clues about signals to simulate
the presence of the drive (if one is lucky). The LCD is very bright
and has good contrast so I would like to kludge things to be able
to run it.

A few more observations:

1. Behavior is independent of DC power input voltage; unit rated for
+15VDC @ 2A but behavior unchanged over +/- 3 volt margins.

2. Rapid pressing of the front panel channel select or aspect ratio
button prevents power down; while cycling through channel selections
the unit remains functional.

3. I don't have the original remote, but using a universal remote and
experimenting with codes I was briefly able to power it up from an
off state. When on, using the experimental code, volume control and
mute functions work but nothing else (probably the wrong code anyway).
Note that volume direction is correct with the remote (see 5 below).

4. Power switch left on, unit will randomly spontaneously power on before
powering down again after five seconds. This occurs about once every
five minutes.

5. When powered on, OSD works properly, but front panel channel and volume
buttons functions are reversed (up is down, etc.)




msg said:
msg wrote:

A few more observations:

1. Behavior is independent of DC power input voltage; unit rated for
+15VDC @ 2A but behavior unchanged over +/- 3 volt margins.

2. Rapid pressing of the front panel channel select or aspect ratio
button prevents power down; while cycling through channel selections
the unit remains functional.

3. I don't have the original remote, but using a universal remote and
experimenting with codes I was briefly able to power it up from an
off state. When on, using the experimental code, volume control and
mute functions work but nothing else (probably the wrong code anyway).
Note that volume direction is correct with the remote (see 5 below).

4. Power switch left on, unit will randomly spontaneously power on before
powering down again after five seconds. This occurs about once every
five minutes.

Further observation shows that the power up happens every 5 minutes and 5
seconds (monitored for three cycles so far) and power on lasts 5 seconds.
Not random, but clock-driven.
5. When powered on, OSD works properly, but front panel channel and volume
buttons functions are reversed (up is down, etc.)

Does anyone have the service manual or access to one of these units? These
symptoms have a feel about them suggesting firmware states screwed up by the
absence of communications with the missing DVD electronics.



Jerry G.


This last spring, a local repair depot trashed a lot of inventory during
a location move; much of the discarded material remained in the parking
lot for weeks (in bad weather) and before it found its way to the landfill
(it wasn't recycled), I rescued a few things including a nearly complete
Panasonic TC-11LV1 LCD TV/DVD. The DVD drive and electronics is missing
but the LCD, tuner and I/O board remains together with the case. The
set powers on and receives OTA video nicely, but powers down after
a few seconds. I surmised that it doesn't like the absence of the
DVD drive (perhaps there is a discrete signal on a cable for drive
If a TV service place trashed some TV sets, I would think that they
must have had good reason to!!!

Jerry G.


Jerry said:
If a TV service place trashed some TV sets, I would think that they
must have had good reason to!!!


Most of the material was new stock spares and there was a large volume of
unfinished repairs. The business had been purchased and was being
relocated. I rescued other completely functional devices. From their
condition I had little reason to believe that the Panasonic parts were defective,
rather that the internal DVD drive had failed (which of course is missing).

