Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Panasonic PTN-4578S RPTV vert trouble



I have this projection TV, 46", Chassis number AQEDP804

the problem is when you first turn it on, it has lines and vertical foldover
at the top of the screen 1/3 down. no linerity problems.

as the set runs, it clears up.

I took out the mainboard, and that was a pain in the buttox to get to. had
to tear it all the way apart, uses a 2 mirror system.

i ran an ESR check on all the capacitors in the vertical circuit, and around
the circuit. found nothing seriously bad. found an 0.47 that was slightly
out, but i ignored it because of it being such a low value.

then i checked every cap on the mainboard. found a bad leaky one in the
powre supply, 470 at 50v, replaced that, resoldered the mainboard and vert
sections. the resistors near the vert output transistors test ok. hooked it
all up, the wavy sides of the pic are now gone, probably from changing the
capacitor, but the vertical probem still exists. same with the convergence.
the convergences is out of wack also when you turn it on first. but after it
warms up, the convergence "snaps" back to normal, and the foldover slowly
retracts back to the top, and it works like anormal TV.

dont understand, im not catching bad high ESR caps. any ideas?