Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Panasonic PT-51DX80A convergence problem


Meat Plow

My son reported that he turned on the set and it seemed to take longer
than normal to fire up. When it did the green convergence had shifted
maybe an inch and a half to the right (vertical lines). Red and blue
looked normal. I'm a retired tech that's done major brand warranty on
consumer electronics for 20+ years but not big screen tv. Just need a
shove in the right direction here. I have no service manual yet so here's
a couple questions for those who may have worked on this set with similar
convergence issues:

1. Where are the convergence electronics located? All on one module,
or main board? I'd rather buy the whole deal if all three colors are
located in one unit.

2. Could it be something else? Maybe the green device? Are there any
typical failures? Quite a bit of the things I repaired under warranty
had the same failures hence my question regarding this.

Any advice from experience with this model will be greatly appreciated.


Have it professionally repaired, the stk output devices are probably going
bad and possible a few low value resistors in the same area. That circuit
should be on the deflection board, the stk devices will be on two large heat
sinks toward the front of the chassis.


You likely need to replace IC 7001, & IC 7002 convergence IC's
STK392-110, & don't buy cheapy ones, as they may not last. Also, check
the low value resistors right by both IC's. Make sure you clean off the
old heat sink compound, & use a generous
amount on the IC's. You will likely see the large IC's on the left side
looking from the
rear. If you try to adjust the convergence, especially the service
menu, after you fix
the T.V., you will have a lot of adjusting to do. Hope this helps, Dani.

Meat Plow

Subject: Re: Panasonic PT-51DX80A convergence problem
From: "Art" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "Art" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 18:53:59 -0400

Have it professionally repaired, the stk output devices are probably going
bad and possible a few low value resistors in the same area. That circuit
should be on the deflection board, the stk devices will be on two large
heat sinks toward the front of the chassis.

Thanks for the reply. I've opted to trash it and buy a new HD unit instead
of tossing hundreds into a 7 year old 4:3 screen. One more thing, how do
you get it into the "serviceman" mode so I can tweak the convergence
enough so my kid can watch it until the new tv arrives? If I could get the
green over to the left a 1/2 inch or the other two to the right it would
be more watchable.

Meat Plow

You likely need to replace IC 7001, & IC 7002 convergence IC's STK392-110,
& don't buy cheapy ones, as they may not last. Also, check the low value
resistors right by both IC's. Make sure you clean off the old heat sink
compound, & use a generous amount on the IC's. You will likely see the
large IC's on the left side looking from the
rear. If you try to adjust the convergence, especially the service menu,
after you fix
the T.V., you will have a lot of adjusting to do. Hope this helps, Dani.

How do I get into the service menu?

Meat Plow

You likely need to replace IC 7001, & IC 7002 convergence IC's STK392-110,
& don't buy cheapy ones, as they may not last. Also, check the low value
resistors right by both IC's. Make sure you clean off the old heat sink
compound, & use a generous amount on the IC's. You will likely see the
large IC's on the left side looking from the
rear. If you try to adjust the convergence, especially the service menu,
after you fix
the T.V., you will have a lot of adjusting to do. Hope this helps, Dani.

Bought two STK's from MCM (Sanyo) for 9 bucks each (on sale) Hope they are
the same quality as what was inside. Don't really want to trash this set
as I'm buying a new one but I'd like to give it to someone who would like
one. Still need info on how to get into the service menu and maybe how to
navigate it.



Menu, Cable, Timer, 30, Volume down (On TV), Power button (On Remote) shuld
produce a chk logo on screen. Rest is up to you, write down all the settings
before changing them. Save teh data after changing it then exit with action
and power button on tv.

Meat Plow

Menu, Cable, Timer, 30, Volume down (On TV), Power button (On Remote)
shuld produce a chk logo on screen. Rest is up to you, write down all the
settings before changing them. Save teh data after changing it then exit
with action and power button on tv.

So it's Menu then select cable, then timer for 30 minutes and tv volume
down then hit the power button on remote?

Sorry if I seem a little thick.


Select catv moce, select sleep timer for 30 min or more, exit menu, press
volume down on tv set, chk should appear on screen, power button on remote
should bring up service menu selections.

Meat Plow

Looks like R7048 - R7051 are burned up. Paint's burnt off and the board is
dark. Without buying the service man, how can I find out the values of
these resistors? Are they the same value as their sister components R7081
- R7084? And I didn't get right down there and look but are they all the
same value (looks like green green something, maybe black on 81 - 84)?
