Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Panasonic PT-50LC13 shuts down


James Sweet

A friend is asking me to look at this Panasonic PT-50LC13 TV he picked up, I
believe it's a rear projection CRT. It was given to him as broken but he
tried it out and it came on and looked great for about 5 minutes then shut
down with the power light flashing. After cooling off it did that one more
time, but now he says when the power button is pressed the light goes from
red to green, then flashes yellow until power is disconnected. I'm thinking
cracked solder joints but I was curious if this series has any known defects
I should look for so I can come prepared. I've worked on a lot of TVs
before, but projection sets almost always have a few surprises for me.
A friend is asking me to look at this Panasonic PT-50LC13 TV he picked up, I
believe it's a rear projection CRT. It was given to him as broken but he
tried it out and it came on and looked great for about 5 minutes then shut
down with the power light flashing. After cooling off it did that one more
time, but now he says when the power button is pressed the light goes from
red to green, then flashes yellow until power is disconnected. I'm thinking
cracked solder joints but I was curious if this series has any known defects
I should look for so I can come prepared. I've worked on a lot of TVs
before, but projection sets almost always have a few surprises for me.

I've never worked on a panasonic projector, much less an LCD
projector, and I have no access to schematics... but I'll assume for
the sake of simplicity that the makeup of one projector to the next is
pretty universal. Just fixed a Mitsubishi with similar issues - one
of the switching regulators took a dump. Pretty common issue from my
understanding. I'd look on the power supply board, yank the reg, and
test it.


Two specific things can cause this unit to shut down, a defective ballast
and/or lamp. The flashing led on front of the set indicates an error code.
Contacting wither Panasonic Directly, or an authorized service facility, may
avail you a more through diagnostics dependent on the error code. Btw, the
lamp can be bought via many of the suppliers. the ballast needs
authorization from Panasonic.