Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PANASONIC NV-S7B Camcorder - dodgy dew sensor

Like many Panasonic camcorder owners - the dew sensor on my NV-S7B has
packed up. Since the cost of professional repairs outweigh its value -
I'm hoping I might be able to fix it.

I understand from some postings - resoldering or shorting the sensor
can resolve the problem.

1) Does anyone know where the sensor is / what it looks like? It's
definitely not part of the power/record cable as with some other
panasonic models.
2) And then - how do I disable / fix the sensor?



If you can find it, and it is connected via a connector, remove
connector and solder directly the wires to the pcb. conn develops hi
res contacts and causes the problem.

Jumpster Jiver

Like many Panasonic camcorder owners - the dew sensor on my NV-S7B has
packed up. Since the cost of professional repairs outweigh its value -
I'm hoping I might be able to fix it.

I understand from some postings - resoldering or shorting the sensor
can resolve the problem.

1) Does anyone know where the sensor is / what it looks like? It's
definitely not part of the power/record cable as with some other
panasonic models.
2) And then - how do I disable / fix the sensor?

It's usually near he video head drum. It's a small maybe 1/8 inch
square with two wires going to it. On the surface of the square you may
be able to see a continuous back-and-forth conductor covering most of
the surface.
I know what dew sensors look like on other models but I'm still
struggling to find it on mine. I can't see anything similar - but much
of the cicuit board is hidden. I might have to start taking my
camcorder apart and having a closer look.

(to clarify lakewood's solution above) Once I find the dew sensor Do I:

1) remove the sensor, or
2) remove it and solder the two contacts together to complete the